In the Netherlands, the city of Haarlem has decided to strike hard.

From 2024, no meat advertising will be visible in public spaces in this town of 160,000 inhabitants.

Because it is part of a list of products contributing to the climate crisis such as holiday flights and fossil fuels, says

The Guardian


This advertising will notably disappear from buses, shelters and screens in the city.

“We cannot tell people there is a climate crisis and encourage them to buy products that cause it,” argued a GroenLinks party adviser who drafted the motion banning meat advertising.

The sector responds

A divisive decision.

Professionals in the sector have also stepped up to the plate.

“The municipality is going too far in telling people what is best for them,” they said.

In protest, they have just launched the “Nederland Vleesland” campaign which promotes meat consumption as “a matter of taste”.

In its article,

The Guardian

recalls that several studies show the impact of food production on global warming: it would be responsible for a third of harmful emissions.

In addition, cattle produce large quantities of methane, which is a powerful greenhouse gas.

Lower your consumption

In its research, Greenpeace suggests drastically reducing meat consumption in order to achieve the objective of net zero emissions in the European Union by 2050. The consumption of a person must therefore drop from around 82 kg currently at 24 kg.

The municipality of Haarlem has also banned cars running on fossil fuels for the same reasons as meat.


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  • Meat

  • Global warming

  • Climate

  • Netherlands

  • Ecology

  • Planet