This is really a speechless event: Teachers' Day is approaching, a parent in Guangxi was asked to withdraw from the group because he did not want to participate in an activity where the parent group pooled money to buy a cosmetic gift box for the teacher.

This incident makes people angry. The parent committee is supposed to act as a bridge between parents and the school, but it has changed its taste in this incident. The relationship between parents and the school should have been clean and pure. However, the evil spirit of "bribery in disguised form" was created for guests and gifts.

As a parent, there are many ways to express one's feelings, so why do you have to be tainted with copper odor; as a teacher, you should be more strict with self-discipline, not to collect money and gifts under the guise of various names, and not to treat them differently because of whether parents give gifts or not.

Have a clean Teacher's Day, isn't it?

(Reporter Li Xiaoyu)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]