
  "Dew is white from tonight", Bailu is the first solar term in September, which represents the end of the Mengqiu season and the beginning of the mid-autumn season.

Around September 7 every year in the Gregorian calendar, when the sun reaches 165 degrees of ecliptic longitude, it is White Dew Day.

"A white dew and a frost", the white dew is a solar term that reflects the significant changes in the natural temperature. After the white dew, the temperature drops and the weather turns cooler.

Gaotian Bailuqiu

  "Early cold and young women arrive, and zero dew will form frost." During the white dew season, the weather gradually turns cooler. In the early morning, you will find many dewdrops on the ground and leaves, which are formed by the condensation of water vapor on it at night.

  The ancients divided Bailu into three stages: the first stage for the arrival of geese, the second stage for the return of primordial birds, and the third stage for the birds to raise their shame.

It was Bailu, when the geese and swallows waited for the birds to fly south to escape the cold, and the birds began to store dried fruits and grains for winter.

White dew is an important sign of the arrival of autumn in most parts of my country. Due to the increase of dry and cold air flow from the north, the hot and humid air flow in the areas north of the Huaihe River and Qinling Mountains retreats to the south, the humidity in the air is greatly reduced, and the amount of clouds decreases, so the sky is often blue and the sky is high. Cloudy.

The heat accumulated on the ground in summer has not completely disappeared, so the temperature is still quite high during the day, especially after noon, and the temperature difference between day and night is large.

Gradually know the beauty of autumn

  After a spring and summer of hard work, we have ushered in a pleasant harvest season.

During the white dew season, millet, soybean and sorghum have been harvested in the Northeast Plain. The autumn harvest crops in North China have also matured, and cotton in the north and south of the river is opening and entering the season of full batch harvesting.

  White dew is the season of harvest and the season of sowing.

At this time, winter wheat in the northwest and northeast regions began to be sown, and autumn planting in North China was about to begin. The single-season late rice in the Huanghuai region, the Jianghuai region and the south region had already bloomed and filled, and the double-cropped and double-late rice was about to head.

When the song is against the wine

  Since ancient times, there have been many customs of Bailu, and most of them are related to "eating" and "drinking".

  There is a tradition in Fuzhou, Fujian called "white dew must eat longan".

Longan itself has the functions of invigorating the spleen, nourishing blood, soothing the nerves, moisturizing and beautifying, and the longan before the white dew is large, the nucleus is small, the taste is sweet, and the taste is good, so it is better to eat longan when the white dew is on.

  In some places in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Hunan, it is customary to use glutinous rice, sorghum and other grains to brew wine and treat guests to Bailu.

This wine is called "white dew rice wine", which is warm and slightly sweet.

People who love tea are looking forward to the "white dew tea" at this time. The so-called "spring tea is bitter, summer tea is astringent, you need to drink tea, autumn white dew". Bailu tea has a unique sweet and fragrant fragrance, which is not like spring tea. Without soaking, it is not as dry and bitter as summer tea.

  "Jianjia is green, and the white dew is frost. The so-called Iraqi people are on the side of the water." On the moonlit autumn night, the white dew, which carries a thousand-year-old poetry, is passing through the spring breeze and summer rain and slowly walking towards us.

autumnal equinox

  "The autumnal equinox is golden, the wind is clear and the dew is cold." The autumnal equinox is usually around September 23 every year in the Gregorian calendar, when the sun reaches 180 degrees of ecliptic longitude.

"Where is the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus blowing, just today, the autumn color is equally divided." At this time, the autumn is more intense, the cool breeze, the fragrance of red osmanthus, the yellow crab fat chrysanthemum, it is a good season in the world.

Lightly cold and pleasant

  "White dew on the autumnal equinox night, one night cools one night." After the autumnal equinox, the position of the sun's direct rays moved to the southern hemisphere, the northern hemisphere received less and less solar radiation, and the temperature dropped significantly faster.

At this time, my country's Yangtze River Basin and the vast areas to the north have entered a cool autumn successively, and the daily average temperature has dropped below 22 degrees Celsius.

"Qinghan is a pleasant day", at this time of autumn, the climate is pleasant, the sky is thousands of miles, and there are no clouds left.

  After the autumnal equinox, there will be no more thunder, and as the weather becomes cold, the hibernating insects hide in the cave, and the hole is sealed with fine soil to prevent the cold air from entering.

At this time, the cold air mass in the north began to have a certain influence, and the rainy season in most areas has just ended, so the weather is dry, the water vapor evaporates quickly, and the amount of water in the lakes and rivers decreases.

It's time to plant wheat

  "The two ends of the autumn equinox are busy, planting wheat and playing the field." The autumn equinox is also an important solar term in agricultural production.

Since after the autumn equinox, whenever there is cold air activity, the temperature will drop very quickly and by a large margin, which makes the "three autumns" of autumn harvest, autumn ploughing, and autumn planting particularly stressful.

  "The white dew is early, the cold dew is late, and the autumn equinox is the time to plant wheat." Winter wheat has already been planted in parts of the North China Plain. The Yangtze River Basin and the vast southern regions are also busy harvesting late rice, ploughing the land and preparing to sow rapeseed.

Autumn shadow turns golden wave

  In ancient times, the autumn equinox was also the "Sacrificial Moon Festival".

According to the records of "Mandarin", in the Zhou Dynasty, there was already the activity of "Xiyue" on the autumn equinox.

However, because the autumnal equinox day does not necessarily have a full moon every year, the "Sacrificial Moon Festival" was later adjusted from the autumnal equinox day to the night of the full moon in the mid-autumn festival on August 15th of the lunar calendar every year.

  It is the season of "autumn wins over spring", and it is also the golden season for outdoor sports.

Climbing, jogging, walking, playing ball... are all good choices, especially exercising in parks, woods and other places with high air humidity, not only can you enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also help to enhance the ability to resist dryness and adapt to the cool autumn weather.

In order to prevent autumn dryness, you can also carry out some dietary maintenance, eat more food that nourishes yin, moistens the lungs, replenishes fluids, and produces body fluid.

  "The qin plays the Nanlu tune, and the wind and color are high-definition." In the sparse and bright season, happy autumnal equinox!