How nice that the employee did not become hysterical.

Or passed out.

Or both.

But he was already taken.

His favorite colleague had just confessed to being in the office today without a smartphone.

The good piece was lost, lying around uselessly in an unknown location.

"How horrible!" the listener commented, frantically fumbling in his pocket for his own device.

No work is possible without a mobile phone, yes, almost no life anymore.

Uwe Marx

Editor in Business.

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Well, it's not quite like that.

Whereby: A lost or misplaced mobile phone – you don't know that exactly when you're nervously looking for it – is no small thing.

The nervousness is growing, questions about whereabouts, accessibility and alternative information channels can no longer get out of my head.

Anyway, work is possible.

A few e-mails from the computer and the key people know.

That relieves.

The lack of distraction from the cell phone even temporarily feels like an advantage.

But pondering where and when it will show up again, if at all, eats up too much time and energy.

Not a nice situation.

In the trash can?

Or in the fridge?

And the search at home after work only!

It's crazy where to look when dozens, oh what: hundreds of potential drop-off points have been unsuccessfully (and increasingly confused) scoured.

In the garbage can?


In the refrigerator?

Embarrassing, fortunately no one sees.

When it reappears at the end of a long day, of course in a banal place that should have been found much earlier (keyword sofa crack), the relief is great.

The desire to make phone calls too.

First up is the sympathetic colleague from this morning, but he doesn't answer.

Do not feel like?

Already in bed?

Or misplaced your phone?

Wouldn't be bad, there is life without it.

Also a working life.

Just different.