The transfer of the two bloodiest


terrorists to prisons in

the Basque Country

, thus fulfilling the main claim of the gang and its political heirs, is a

new blow for the victims of terror

and for all democrats endowed with memory and desirous of justice .


decided to bring 13 ETA members closer this Wednesday to the prisons controlled by Basque nationalism (rather uncontrolled, given the chaos that has reigned since


transferred the powers p

or parliamentary necessity).

Those 13 prisoners are responsible for 72 murders, of which 39 were the work of Henri Parot and 13 he perpetrated.


, the murderer of Gregorio Ordóñez or Miguel Ángel Blanco.

Nothing matters to Marlaska the fresh memory of the 25 years of the

spirit of ermua

last July.

It will not take long for the two most bloodthirsty monsters of ETA to enjoy the special prison conditions

that nationalism in power arranges for them, despite the fact that neither of them has collaborated in the clarification of the pending cases nor has shown any repentance or expressed a forgiveness that cannot even be expected of them.

What we expect from a democracy is the political and moral defeat -not just the police- of terrorism


And what we expect from a Spanish Government is that it stops relying on Bildu as a preferred partner.

And it still claims the flag of moderation.

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