A video reporting system was launched in Epernay (Marne) at the beginning of August.

Consisting of a network of 28 fixed surveillance cameras, it is designed to draw up and send reports to offenders who have been filmed without questioning them.

During these first three weeks of operation, the system led to the issuance of around ten minutes, reports

France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne


Municipal police observe the images shot by the cameras and record the license plates of people who do not respect the law.

The system is mainly used to punish violations of the Highway Code but also illegal dumping of rubbish.

In addition to the fixed cameras in the main streets, 12 mobile cameras with unpredictable locations are connected to the device.

Others will be added before the end of the year.

The City Council had voted to launch the system in mid-July.

It was then necessary to wait for the authorization of the prefecture and to install at the entrances to the city signs warning of the existence of the system.


Caen: Pedestrian cameras now equip some municipal police officers


Paris: A video surveillance plan valued at nearly 500 million euros but without feedback on its effectiveness

  • Reims

  • Great East

  • Video surveillance

  • Police

  • Company