[Explanation] The "Generation Z" China-Japan-Korea Youth Exchange and Dialogue Event hosted by the China Public Diplomacy Association, the China-Japan-Korea Cooperation Secretariat, and the Hubei Provincial Government Information Office was held in Wuhan on August 23.

Influential youth representatives from China, Japan and South Korea conducted online and offline dialogues on topics such as cultural integration and cross-cultural communication, and the role of "Generation Z" youth.

  [Explanation] Hubei, Japan and South Korea have profound historical origins and close non-governmental exchanges.

After years of development, Japan has become Hubei's second largest trading partner, the largest source of imports and an important source of foreign investment. The two sides have jointly established five pairs of sister cities.

South Korea is one of the countries with the closest contacts with Hubei, and is an important trading partner, import source and investment source country of Hubei.

  [Explanation] Culture and youth are an important part of future cooperation between the three countries.

Erkenjiang Tulahong, vice chairman of the Hubei Provincial Political Consultative Conference, said that the "Generation Z" youth are "digital natives" who have grown up with the Internet information age. Mainstream people play an irreplaceable role in promoting non-governmental exchanges and public awareness among China, Japan and South Korea.

  [Concurrent] Erkenjiang Tulahong, Vice Chairman of Hubei Provincial Political Consultative Conference

  Civilizations are enriched by exchanges, and civilizations are enriched by mutual learning. Exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations are an important driving force for the progress of human civilization and the peaceful development of the world.

Everyone should respect the excellent cultures of other countries, seek wisdom and nourishment from different cultures, and promote exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations.

  [Explanation] On the same day, youth representatives from China, Japan and South Korea experienced the tea ceremony and the intangible cultural heritage of dough sculptures on the spot, and conducted interactive exchanges on topics such as "encountering" the Three Kingdoms in traditional culture and exploring the historical "edge" of the Three Kingdoms. .

  [Explanation] Zheng Zhien, an international student from South Korea, completed his undergraduate studies in Wuhan and is about to enter Wuhan University for postgraduate studies.

She said that during her study abroad, she met like-minded partners, gained friendship, and narrowed the distance and feelings between each other through dialogue and exchanges.

  [Concurrent] Korean student Jung Ji-eun

  I think it is because the people who came today are all friends of the same age as me, so maybe they will have a similar perspective to me, and then the explanation will be very interesting. I think after participating in this activity, I will have a deeper understanding of China, Japan and South Korea, these three countries have a better understanding.

  [Explanation] Ou Boqian, Secretary-General of the China-Japan-Korea Cooperation Secretariat, said that through cultural exchanges between young people, the common cultural bond of the three countries will be cemented.

At present, a new platform of "China-Japan-Korea Youth Exchange Network" is being built, making it a "talent pool" and "interaction center" for the youth of China, Japan and Korea.

  [Commentary] Wu Hailong, president of the China Public Diplomacy Association, expressed the hope that the youth of the Three Kingdoms must cherish today's peaceful and peaceful life. Peace is the premise of everything.

  [Concurrent] Wu Hailong, President of China Public Diplomacy Association

  Communication is the key to resolving all differences and contradictions.

It is easy for teenagers to find common interests and common expressions.

Maintaining continuous contacts and exchanges will definitely shorten the distance and feelings between each other, enhance mutual understanding, and increase mutual trust, and will also enhance the goodwill and awareness among the youths of the Three Kingdoms.

The connection of people's hearts is the foundation of friendly relations between countries.

With the heart-to-heart connection between the youths of the three countries, there is hope for the friendly relations between the three countries in the future.

  [Explanation] China, Japan and South Korea are important members of the international community and the engines of global economic development.

The data shows that the economic aggregate of the three countries accounts for 25.3% of the world's total, and the trade volume of the three countries accounts for 24% of the world's total; the three countries are the focus of global innovation activities, and patent applications account for 61.4% of the world's total; the three countries are world-class logistics centers, and container port throughput accounts for 61.4% of the world's total. 39% of the world.

  Reporter Zheng Ziyan reports from Wuhan, Hubei

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]