An analysis of the pond water from the former Berrien quarry (Finistère) revealed high levels of arsenic.

The results published this Friday show an amount of 17 µg per liter of water.

The tests were carried out on August 11, specifies France 3 Bretagne.

Previous samples indicated a concentration of 8 µg/l.

The ceiling not to be exceeded has been set at 10 µg/l.

The prefecture asked the 974 inhabitants of the commune not to cook food in running water.

The Regional Health Agency had recommended not to drink it or use it to wash vegetables and fruits.

Some possible uses

Tap water, on the other hand, is suitable for washing, washing up or flushing toilets.

The mayor of Berrien had decided to capture water from the quarry to cope with the consequences of the drought.

The million m3 that the site contains has been contaminated by the substances generated during the dissolution of the minerals.


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In the Oise, two municipalities deprived of drinking water due to contamination of the treatment station

  • Brest

  • Brittany

  • Pollution

  • Water

  • Drought

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