They consoled themselves with the illusion that everyone would march in formation - and without a murmur.

But it turned out that the Western fairy tale is over and there are a lot of civilizational centers in the world to be reckoned with, which will not carry out commands at the snap of their fingers, for which the legends of Western exclusivity are a modern upgrade of bells for the natives.

The colonial style is a monstrous atavism, and everyone understands this very well, only in the West they still do not want to part with this wonderful and familiar fairy tale for them and see reality as it is.

The main goal of a global special operation extended in time with a poisonous sting of sanctions and Russophobia against our country is its isolation.

And after February 24, they even intended to make her an outcast, which is why, as expected, everything inside perestroika would crumble.

But then a snag came up: in their fantasies they imagined that they were the whole world, but it turned out not to be so.

And it may well happen that the Western political style, established by the "empire of lies", will go into the format of an outcast - as something extremely indecent.

Now, for the West, the goal of defeating Russia in Ukraine has become a fixed idea.

This obsessive thought has already passed into the category of religious fanaticism, when no arguments of reason work.

And so it happened that Ukraine dragged Europe along with it.

There was a slaughter of Europe, which found itself in an extremely disadvantageous position - hostage not only by the States, but also by the inadequacies in the Ukrainian leadership, who dream of fanning the global flame.

However, in Europe they understand this, but they cannot do anything.

Because inertia, because the hostages are not free.

In this regard, the sovereign position of those countries that do not march in line becomes especially valuable - their sovereignty did not allow the “empire of lies” to throw their shackles on the rest of the world in the current situation.

After all, the goal was not only to isolate Russia, but also to bind everyone with mutual responsibility - which means to extend that very notorious Western domination (read: the policy of colonialism).

In Europe, for this, they even cultivate a generation of kamikaze politicians, like your Zelensky, who personally do not risk anything, but play with peoples whom they only formally consider their own.

They perceive it as clay, from which, if you diligently knead and do not regret, you can mold something just to the format of the standards of your fairy tale.

Such are the satellites who, in the present Western system of mutual responsibility, form a line of the obedient and the loudest.

But not everyone in Europe is like that.

Here is Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban from a completely different test: he has not lost a sense of reality.

He sees that everyone around is running downhill, and, relying on his sanity, calls on them to change their minds (which the current Western sublimation of hysteria does not provide at all).

And all because he is vaccinated against such influence - he is not someone's agent of influence, does not worship puppeteers, as it is fashionable, but relies on the sovereignty of his state, when national interests are much more important than the command system of the system.

Therefore, he argues not according to the standards and clichés of the "empire of lies" and calls things by their proper names.

He talks about the "weakening of the positions of the European Union", that the sanctions have become a yoke for the Old World itself and caused "tremendous damage" to its economy.

He notes that the world is much larger than the Western system, that "most of the world defiantly does not line up behind the countries of the West: Chinese, Indians, Brazilians, South Africa, the Arab world, Africa."

And he declares: “It is possible that this particular war will defiantly put an end to the domination of the West (read: destroy the totalitarian “empire of lies”).”

And these are not some eschatological constructions, but a statement of natural processes, and for the same Europe they are not at all fatal.

The problem arises only for the United States, where their despotic sect of American-centrism and American-godness is disintegrating before their eyes.

The end of Western domination could finally make Europe free if it accepted reality and did not follow the same sectarian, unipolar dogmas imbued with the spirit of racism.

But the States are doing what they are used to doing: they create territories of chaos and through this they take hostages.

Such a territory was created from Ukraine with an eye to the fact that it would become a deadly land mine for Russia.

But it so happened that they did not regret the European Union.

And they won't feel sorry for him.

They will stop at nothing - even before turning Europe into Ukraine.

Something similar to the United States is extremely beneficial: this way the system and the system of subordination will hold on tighter.

And we must not forget that the whole current situation for America is pure business: Europe is now on a short leash and has turned into tribes of those same natives who are ready to exchange all the most valuable things for trinkets and weapons.

It is already obvious that there is no single West.

And there are conquistadors and colonial countries that make up the EU.

Hegemons and satellites.

A number of the latter also have rather large ambitions, for the sake of realizing which they can devour their neighbor.

Some are ready to drink tea forever, while others let it fall anywhere.

The more problems they have, the stronger the tea of ​​the exceptional ones.

Europe is held hostage - what kind of equality can there be? ..

So far, the same idea is held together by the fix about the victory over Russia in Ukraine.

The West has convinced itself that it is extremely important for it to win at the cost of its forceful avatar in Ukraine, which will show the advantage of the system and the unipolar order over sovereignty.

And again, if the avatar crumbles, then it may well be that the States will already try to make a semblance of Ukraine from Europe.

At the same time, Europe is in a position to start playing its own game, to assemble itself anew.

Not to become the West, pulling it into the format of anti-Europe (which, as a rule, turns into a bloody massacre), but to regain its sovereignty, become an equal center of civilization without pretensions to teaching and domination.

This is precisely the Orban line.

sovereignty line.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.