After parts of the north mole in Bremerhaven collapsed on Thursday night, the mole tower at the top of the quay got dangerously lopsided.

He is now in danger of falling over.

The tower survived the low water at noon, which took pressure off the structure, but without tilting further, a Senate spokeswoman said on Thursday afternoon.

The water police have been on duty around the leaning tower since morning, a spokesman said.

At first nobody could be reached at the port company Bremenports, which is responsible for the construction.

The police blocked the entrance to the Geeste.

The Weser ferry service also had to be discontinued.

As the shipping company announced, replacement traffic is planned.

The necessary duration of the blocking initially remained unclear.

The affected area had apparently been dilapidated for years.

The “Nordsee-Zeitung” reported first.

On Thursday afternoon, Bremen's port senator Claudia Schilling (SPD) wanted to find out more about the situation on site and how to deal with the collapsed northern mole.