[Explanation] Angsai Township, Zaduo County, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province has become a check-in place for tourists for ecological experience due to the ecological experience franchise project.

Concession is very important to the construction of national parks. It is an important way for local communities and residents to participate in the construction of national parks and benefit from the construction of national parks.

The guests who came to participate in the 2022 Lanmei International Video Week walked into the home of the local herdsman guide and had a further understanding of the franchise.

  [Concurrent] Zhao Xiaoyu, reporter from China Environmental News Media Center

  I think this project can be said to be a win-win for herders both economically and ecologically.

  [Same period] Du Hui, reporter of the People's Time column of Qinghai Radio and Television Station

  Through our understanding with the herdsmen today, we have felt the herdsmen's love for this area of ​​Sanjiangyuan National Park, and in the process of being the guide of this franchise project, they must have more knowledge about this place, and they can communicate with each other , learn from each other, I think it is a very good point, and in this franchise project, our herdsmen can also create some of their own income, I think it really allows the herdsmen not only to protect their own homes, but also to their own The home has its own income.

  [Explanation] Yixi Tasheng is one of the 21 host families in Angsai Township. In the years of reception experience, he gets along well with many domestic and foreign tourists, and also learns and grows with them during the reception.

  [Same period] Yixi Tasheng, a herdsman in Angsai Township, Zaduo County

  I have changed a lot in this respect. In the past, apart from communicating with people from my hometown, I didn’t (have the opportunity) communicate much with knowledgeable, friendly, and knowledgeable people from other places. Later, many learned, Knowledgeable people, I often get along with them, communicate with them, and improve every day.

We thought about what we were going to explain to our guests, and we started to improve ourselves constantly, so there have been great changes between the past and the present (compared to now).

  [Explanation] Protection first and sharing by all are one of the concepts of China's national park construction. The participation of local communities and residents is particularly important. They have been shouldering the responsibility of protecting this land for many years. At the same time, the emergence of franchising also gives A new development opportunity for these guardians.

  [Concurrent] Liu Zhiqiu, a member of the National Park Team of Shanshui Nature Conservation Center

  I think it is better that the herdsmen, as the local masters, lead outsiders to introduce these things in their hometown, and at the same time they can also earn income. The difference from many places is that if there is a market in this place, there will be business. If a commercial institution comes in, it may not take into account local interests, but this is because it is completely local.

From the very beginning, herdsmen's life was only grazing in pastoral areas, and it gradually changed to that they could also pick up a camera to exchange knowledge of ecology and photography with outsiders on an equal footing. This change is still obvious.

  [Explanation] 45% of the income brought by the Angsai ecological experience franchise project belongs to the host family, 45% is used as a community public fund, and the other 10% is used as a wildlife protection fund.

As of November 2021, the Angsai Nature Experience Project has received a total of 479 people, with a total income of 1.7372 million yuan, and the average income of host families has increased by 37,000 yuan.

  Reporter Zhao Linsong, Qi Miao, Li Jiangning, Qinghai Yushu reported

Responsible editor: [Lu Yan]