Recently, Chongqing has encountered high temperature one after another, with the highest temperature exceeding 40℃. The reporter saw at the Chongqing Zoo that the twins "Xingxing" and "Chenchen", as "Treasure Second Generation", were carefully cared for by the breeder and enjoyed the summer life with their mother "Mangzai" .

  At 8:30 a.m. on August 14, the giant panda "Mangzai" led "Xingxing" and "Chenchen" out of the cage and started an hour of outdoor exercise.

"Mangzai" sat in the shade and began to eat bamboo, and then led "Xingxing" and "Chenchen" to climb the wooden frame and other fitness equipment together.

  At 9:15, the breeder called the pandas to take a bath. The pandas were very active. The breeder introduced that summer is the molting season for giant pandas, and it is also a good time to enjoy the shower and play with water.

  At 9:30, it was time for the pandas to return to their cages.

The panda mother "Mangzai" immediately brought "Chenchen" into the cage with the air conditioner on and the temperature was controlled at about 25 degrees.

  For the next day, the panda mothers "Mangzai" and "Bao Erdai" will maintain the mode of "lie down, eat and sleep late" until the next morning.

During the period, they can also eat summer snacks such as mung bean soup + watermelon carefully prepared by the breeders.

(Jia Nan and Chen Xiaoqian)

Responsible editor: [Lu Yan]