It seems that 'national group' god will unite once again.

They're promoting a year-end concert, and if that happens, they'll be on stage as a whole after 4 years.

Yesterday (11th) Son Ho-young's agency has not yet been confirmed, but the members revealed that they are positively discussing the year-end concert.

When the concert is held, we will be able to see the full stage for the first time in 4 years since the 20th anniversary concert in 2018, and it is said that this concert will be a form of repaying the fans who have made god so far, especially ahead of the 25th anniversary of their debut next year. is coming out.

Gye-sang Yoon also mentioned god's concert in May last year, but at that time, he appeared on SBS radio 'Park Ha-sun's Cinetown' and said, 'The members are deeply contemplating and talking a lot', 'I wish I could hold a concert too. ', making the fans look forward to it.