A woman protects her dog from the deadly attacks of seagulls with a thorny shield

The attacks of seabirds on small dogs are worrying for the owners of these beloved small animals, and these birds have begun to form a source of anxiety and fear, according to the British newspaper, "Mirror", citing many incidents, including a recorded attack of a Chihuahua, who was snatched by a gull from in front of its owners and flew away.

Therefore, the owners of this type of small and light dogs began to invent tricks to protect them from the attack of large birds, especially gulls, near the beaches.

Among these tricks, a woman decided to use it by designing a safety jacket for her dog, and the woman designed, after an effort, a "safety jacket", with long screws attached and protruding, in order to protect her small dog from any kidnapping attempts by seagulls.

The woman, whose name was not published by the Mirror newspaper, published pictures of her dog walking "safely" in the street, on the "Tik Tok" platform, and quickly garnered nearly 1.3 million likes, in addition to thousands of comments.

The woman commented while playing the video on the platform that they (she and the dog) "are not afraid of the seagull."

"The seagull must be afraid of you," she added, as the camera pans to show the number of large nails on her dog's back, as well as the small buttons around the collar.

But the previous incident, despite its cruelty, remains limited, according to the comment of an animal protection organization, noting that “gulls that suddenly pounce on people or pets usually try to protect their nearby chicks that have left the nest but have not yet been able to fly properly.”

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