[Explanation] Mathematics, as the foundation of the entire science, plays an irreplaceable role in the development of science and technology, and is also a universal language for human exploration of the world.

What exactly does math do?

What are the characteristics of Eastern and Western mathematics education?

How can mathematics promote East-West exchanges and cooperation?

Qiu Chengtong, an internationally renowned Chinese mathematician and the first Chinese winner of the Fields Medal, recently accepted an exclusive interview with China News Agency "Dongxiwen" to interpret this.

  [Concurrent] Qiu Chengtong, an internationally renowned Chinese mathematician

  Mathematics has been the most basic foundation of the entire science from ancient times to the present. If there is no mathematics, science does not exist at all, especially the Internet in recent decades, so basically there is no place in the world that does not use mathematics. The scope is basically all science.

Recently, many mathematicians have been discussing the extent of the spread of the epidemic when it happened. It is an algorithm of mathematics.

  [Commentary] Qiu Chengtong has a dual experience of studying and teaching in the East and the West. He believes that if you want to learn mathematics well, you must have a certain basic talent, interest, and willingness to work hard.

  [Concurrent] Qiu Chengtong, an internationally renowned Chinese mathematician

  Many Chinese people say that Chinese children are good at mathematics, why can't China produce great mathematicians?

In fact, there are many misunderstandings.

American or European children's mathematics education, the best children's mathematics education is much better than ours, they not only teach the content of mathematics, but also teach them to (raise) their interest in mathematics, they have a real interest in mathematics Interests, they know themselves (have) great motivation to find the wonderful place of mathematics.

Chinese children, generally speaking, do not see the most essential parts of mathematics.

I feel very happy if I do a good job of the questions and pass the exam, but the true meaning of mathematics is not to do the questions given by others, but to be able to develop a good direction and good questions by myself.

You have the ability to do it yourself, and at the same time, you have to blaze a path out by yourself, so this is a very important thing, you have to be interested, work hard, and have a certain basic talent.

  [Explanation] Qiu Chengtong believes that good knowledge must have a cultural foundation.

Poetry is a very important part of Chinese culture. Whether poetry or mathematics, the study is all about nature, but the method of description is different.

  [Concurrent] Qiu Chengtong, an internationally renowned Chinese mathematician

  I want to describe nature using mathematics. The method of description is different, that is, I describe it with logic. The poet uses his poetic method to express it. The description method is different, but the feelings are the same.

When doing a big math structure, there is an emotional problem.

The poetry I read assumes that the poetry I read is a bit more like the bold school, but what I do is this pattern may be different.

I encourage many students to read this kind of unrestrained poetry, such as the "Records of the Grand Historian" written by Sima Qian, an unrestrained and grand concept, which is very beneficial for doing mathematics, because its entire structure is very Looking far, it is not simple to do mathematics or do physics.

  [Explanation] In Qiu Chengtong's view, mathematics follows the basic idea of ​​logic, which is applicable everywhere, and there is no barrier to communication.

  [Concurrent] Qiu Chengtong, an internationally renowned Chinese mathematician

  Math is right, not wrong, so communication is a good way to do it.

Every nation and every place has its own characteristics.

In fact, the same is true of mathematics. We are all about logic and we must appreciate each other. However, the method of the United States is different from the method of Germany and the method of the United Kingdom. It has a different style. The results of mathematics are different, but they have something in common. Its truth cannot be changed, and its content will change, because different races, different environments, and different needs will affect the development of mathematics.

A good mathematical institute or research center always has many mathematicians from different countries, so our development is like this. We must work together with scholars from different countries and different ethnic groups. They learned a lot from us, but they also learned a lot from us. In fact, a very important meaning of communication is to be able to communicate with each other.

  [Explanation] Qiu Chengtong said that after more than 20 years of development, China's mathematics level has been greatly improved.

He very much hopes to produce the world's first-class mathematics in China within ten years.

(Reported by Bian Zhengfeng in Beijing)

Responsible editor: [Ji Xiang]