The new

taxes on banking and the energy sector

that the PSOE and Podemos presented this Thursday will have a counterproductive effect on economic activity and job creation.

And they will do nothing to combat inflation.

In a blow to effect in the Debate on the State of the Nation, Pedro Sánchez announced as his own old demands of Podemos.

And, this Thursday, they took shape in a

joint bill

, a socialist concession to their government partner.

far from relieved

r the situation suffered by the citizens, the president is more attentive to trying to fatten up his battered popularity in the face of the next general elections and to smooth things over with his allies.

Because these recipes are not going to improve the living conditions of the Spanish or the financial situation of the country.

Although the new figures were presented under the euphemistic formula of a "patrimonial benefit", it is actually a real tax that can have

difficult constitutional fit

, because large corporations are already taxed on their profits through Corporation Tax and we would therefore be facing a double taxation prohibited by law.

The arbitrariness of establishing confiscatory measures for specific sectors that are presumed to have extraordinary profits will cause

mistrust and legal insecurity

, with the consequent effect of scaring off investment.

And in particular, taxing the commissions of the financial system will make loans more expensive, will restrict credits and will make our companies less competitive: it imposes a contraction in the very heart of the economy, weakened after the period of the pandemic, during which it continued to finance the economy. Spanish.

There is no doubt that in the long term this tax will be paid by citizens, although the Government has devised strong sanctions in the event that the benefit is transferred to clients.

The ECB demands from banks that all the costs they incur are passed on to financial products, in order to guarantee the sustainability of the system.

In the same way that the electricity and oil companies could apply it to the price of fuel and the electricity bill.

There is nothing by chance in that Sánchez chose to register this bill the week in which the large companies are presenting their income statements for the first semester.

This Thursday Banco Santander, Banco Sabadell and Repsol did it, and this Friday Caixabank will do it.

All responded to the stigmatization of the Government, incapable of applying structural policies that strengthen the economy and improve its growth capacity.

Sánchez has declared war on them, subjecting them to the caricature of the top hat and the cigar, without discussing it first with those involved and without analyzing its legal fit with the basic principles of our tax system: equality, non-discrimination and economic capacity.

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