【Changes in On-Campus Training】

Another year, the singing of the cicadas climbed the treetops.

Another summer, the children's childcare holiday begins.

On July 11, the first summer nursing class of the North Branch of Dawan Primary School in Qingbaijiang District, Chengdu started.

In the hot summer days, the children are still reading in the cool classroom, sweating like rain on the indoor basketball court, jumping on the chessboard, and bombarding by cars.

Golden rapeseeds are waiting to be harvested, all kinds of green vegetables are growing all over the fields, and by the pond, there are geese playing comfortably in the water.

While listening to the essentials explained by the teacher, the students picked the mature rapeseed by themselves: holding the stalk in one hand, quickly cutting it in the other hand, filling the bamboo baskets, and sending them to the drying field not far away for exposure... This is a scene of after-school services at Huaiyin Primary School in Huaian City, Jiangsu Province.

Parents no longer worry about their children being at home alone, or about wasting this summer: on campus, there are teachers who are immersed in teaching, security guards on duty, busy kitchen chefs, and happy friends.

During the "Double Reduction" year, summer care and after-school services have become standard in schools, meeting the diverse needs of students and effectively reducing the excessive homework burden and off-campus training burden of students in compulsory education.

"Double reduction" is a kind of "burden reduction" for students and parents, but it is a responsibility and responsibility for schools and teachers.

Schools are the main front of education.

How has the school changed in one year?

1. Simultaneous development of five education, the teaching concept returns to the essence

  "We found that teachers are the most challenging and most difficult to adapt to in teaching reform. There is no obstacle for students, and most children welcome them with open arms." He Huihua, vice principal of Baima School in Changsha High-tech Zone, said bluntly.

  Teachers are faced with practical problems: how to deal with the problem of the quantity and quality of students' homework, how to improve the quality and efficiency of classroom teaching, how to connect in-class teaching and after-school activities, how to cultivate children's basic abilities...

  "The idea behind 'double reduction' is: suitable education is the best education, so that every child can find a curriculum that suits him, and achieve comprehensive and individual development." Changtang, Yuhua District, Changsha City, Hunan Province Xiao Chenhui, the principal of Li Primary School, said.

  The "habit-building record card" is a new baby obtained by the children of Baima School in Changsha High-tech Zone in the new semester. In this rural school, considering the lack of parents' ability to provide guidance, the school focuses on strengthening the management of after-school services, Monday to Thursday. Children can complete all written assignments during after-school services and can read extra-curricular books, play sports, and do housework when they return home.

While developing good study habits, children also develop good living habits.

  Changtangli Primary School has innovated the comprehensive quality evaluation of students, and combined five educations. The corresponding two-dimensional codes are set for the five dimensions, and the evaluation data of each dimension is collected intelligently and gathered into the students' online learning space.

Every semester, the evaluation system of Changtangli Primary School will automatically generate a personalized growth portrait of students, as well as a growth tree. The 5 apples on the tree represent the 5 dimensions of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty, labor, and which dimension the student performs well, the apple will It looks round and big, and vice versa.

Students can clearly see their own shortcomings and strengths through portraits, so as to achieve all-round development and personal growth.

  Fang Xinyi can see at a glance from his portrait of his growth that he has developed well in the four dimensions of "morality, wisdom, beauty and labor", but the dimension of "body" is holding him back.

At the beginning of the new semester, Fang Xinyi chose the "Fat Man Training Camp" course at 3:30, with professional physical training three times a week. After a year, the results were remarkable, and she lost nearly 20 pounds. Sit-ups and sitting forward bends are all excellent, he is more sunny and more confident.

  The North Branch of Dawan Elementary School has changed the traditional phenomenon that the "big three" of Chinese, mathematics and English have dominated the homework list for a long time, and integrated disciplines such as ethics and rule of law, physical education, labor education, music, and art into after-school homework, greatly reducing the "three giants". The written homework of "Giant", leave enough time for children to run, jump, and play games, guide children to observe, appreciate, operate, and verify in after-school time, expand the breadth of "homework" step by step, and promote students The literacy has been comprehensively improved, and the "five educations" have been promoted to take root.

  "We have been taking care of it since it was a child, when it was still a seed, and it has been a bumper harvest now. Seeing this fertile rape field being swept away by us, my heart is full of sense of accomplishment. At the same time, I also know that every rapeseed is hard-won," said student Qi Yajun.

  Huaiyin Primary School takes advantage of the large campus area and its proximity to the suburbs to open up a 30-acre site dedicated to agricultural production and labor classes, "Xingzhi Farm", which combines after-school services with students' labor education.

Principal Zheng Peng introduced: "40 clubs have activities in 6 functional areas of poultry, aquatic products, fruits and vegetables, grain, agricultural tools and Chinese herbal medicine. Combined with the four seasons of farming and the growth rules of primary school students, the school has developed the 'Silkworm Course', 'Pu Course' and 'Medicine Course'. The content involves five fields of reading, writing, sketching, science, and sports.”

  "In the next step, we will develop more diverse and suitable labor curriculum groups closely around the labor curriculum standards, so as to provide students with a broader space for labor practice. Help students establish correct labor concepts, improve labor ability, shape labor quality, and vigorously Carry forward the spirit of model workers and craftsmen, and comprehensively improve the level of education." Zheng Peng told reporters.

2. Let the children stand at the center of the classroom, and the teaching methods are flexible and diverse

  Classroom teaching is the main theme of education, and classroom teaching is the main position of teachers.

  "Depriving students of their healthy development time, depriving students of their healthy development opportunities, and blindly seeking scores is not desirable. Through the improvement of educational wisdom and the construction of learning-oriented classrooms, we truly allow children to participate in classrooms and experience learning. Experience the process and form self-learning ability, so as to achieve the goal of improving the quality of education." Ke Yuzhong, director of the Teaching Office of Beijing Normal University Guangzhou Experimental School, was deeply touched.

  Improve the way teachers prepare lessons, change from preparing textbooks to preparing for learning; improve the way of classroom learning, change from teacher-based teaching to teacher-student participation; improve practice assignments, change from unified assignments to layered assignments.

Teachers are more from the students' point of view, help them enter the textbooks, guide them to look at the textbooks from a different perspective, explore the textbooks, and let the students take the initiative to get close to the neglected textbooks.

It is in the process of receiving, judging, screening, and integrating information that each student finally constructs his own knowledge and truly learns to learn in this process.

  Seminars have become the norm for teachers.

How should the job design be carried out under the "double reduction"?

  Guangzhou Experimental School of Beijing Normal University advocates inquiry-based, collection-based, and practical homework, combines immediate homework with long-term homework, and conducts extensive homework seminars in an informal manner. A series of institutional guidelines for job design, layout and correction requirements.

  The Chinese teachers of the North District Branch of Dawan Elementary School collided in the study, shared in the collision, and discussed the transformation and value of homework burden reduction.

Homework is no longer an after-school training in the traditional sense, it has been integrated into the whole process of learning, and has developed from an after-school activity of subsidiary significance to another learning activity of independent significance.

The fundamental of homework optimization design is the change of educational concept and teaching method, and the change from the concept of skills to the concept of literacy.

  The degree of refinement of operation management has been continuously improved.

In Fengtai Primary School, No. 11 School in Beijing, research on child developmental psychology was applied to homework management.

By analyzing the causes of "cognitive load", homework design research is carried out from the perspectives of knowledge-seeking motivation, competency motivation, examination-academic achievement motivation, and communication and profit-making motivation that are common in primary school, so as to realize the dual purpose of taking into account the learning goals and the learner's feelings. Target.

  On the basis of overall academic guidance, Beijing Zhongguancun No. 3 Primary School has opened different levels of subject extension courses according to students' learning ability, focusing on cultivating students' core literacy and learning methods.

In Chinese, there is a co-reading class for reading the whole book, a thinking training class in mathematics, and English interesting and "pleasure" reading in English.

  On July 14, in the old revolutionary area of ​​Yimeng, a unique summer homework management and scheduling was held in the Longmen Community Service Area of ​​Songshan Primary School in Linqu County, Shandong Province.

Mr. Li Shouxiang took the children to the chayote planting base to measure the row spacing and plant spacing, and calculate the number of plantings per mu.

The children were in high spirits, and they measured, recorded and calculated in pairs, and soon groups of data appeared in the children's workbooks.

After the calculation was completed, Mr. Li led the children to conduct on-the-spot investigation and verification, and gave on-the-spot guidance to the children with wrong calculations.

  "I used to worry about math class the most. I always felt that math problems were difficult to understand. The teacher took us to the scene to operate, and many problems were immediately understood." Fourth grade student Wang Kailin said happily.

  "I have been doing experiential education for 16 years. Rural schools have unique educational resources. Based on the characteristics of mountainous areas, we must dig deep into the educational connotation of natural resources such as fields and green mountains and waters." Li Shouxiang introduced that the school will organize students to carry out rushing to the countryside. A series of experiential summer assignments, such as Daji, helping melon farmers to sell chayote, measuring and calculating reservoir dam earthwork, on-site inspection of pumped storage construction projects, etc. Preaching-style teaching has become an intuitive experience, and after-school homework has changed from "one size fits all" to "buffet", extending education to every corner of student life.

3. Following the trend, teachers actively explore new models of education

  "As a non-disciplinary education, music class has received more and more attention from schools and society, and students have more time to experience the true meaning of aesthetic education." Gong Yongmei, head of the music teaching and research group at Changtangli Primary School, said with emotion.

  Looking at the children's heavy schoolbags and thick lenses, Gong Yongmei often asked himself, what is the purpose of education?

Education should allow children to participate enthusiastically, devote themselves wholeheartedly, like what they do, have a skill, and know what happiness is when they grow up.

But their heads are full of exercise formulas and exercise books stacked high. Will they think about what they want to do in the future?

Do they still have the imagination of the sea of ​​stars?

  The arrival of the "double reduction" policy has had a great impact on this music teacher. Music education can bring happy emotional experience to children.

His perspective has also become wider and farther, and he has explored the true beauty of educating people from the perspective of classroom teaching.

  When exploring and developing the potential of creative development, Mr. Gong Yongmei joined hands with Chinese teachers and art teachers to design a curriculum for subject integration to create a "four-self" smart classroom.

On the basis of the Chinese class "Clap the Hands" as the main line, the children in the music class are familiar with the "Clap and Clap" as an innovation point, and together with the children, the content in the language class is created and integrated. Coupled with beautiful pictures, children can master language knowledge in a more relaxed and pleasant way, express with more vivid pictures, and sing happily.

  In Baima School of Changsha High-tech Zone, Vice Principal He Huihua began to try to lead students to do project-based learning this semester and carry out comprehensive learning moral education courses, so as to improve students' thinking quality, analytical ability, inquiry ability and cooperation awareness.

In rural schools, students are accustomed to receptive learning and lack problem awareness and problem-solving ability.

"Although everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones on this new topic, we have at least started taking action." He Huihua said that the 2022 version of the new curriculum standard requires that no less than 10% of the class time per semester be used for interdisciplinary comprehensive learning courses.

In the next semester, Baima School will actively explore the teaching practice of project-based learning for all students based on various disciplines.

  Yang Siyu, a fourth-grade student from Guangzhou Experimental School of Beijing Normal University, couldn't wait to choose the "1+X" course at the beginning of the school year. She included calligraphy in her course list for the weekly club activities.

Five days a week of various experiential courses, she took calligraphy, chorus, skipping rope and badminton as electives.

  "Now I no longer have to rush to the training class after school every day. It saves a lot of time on the back and forth, and I can do my homework easily and happily after returning home every day." Yang Siyu said.

  Yang Siyu's mother was even happier. Before the "double reduction", she had to come to school before school at 4 pm every day to pick her up for a tutoring class in the training class. The round-trip time plus the waiting time, it was already past 7 pm when she got home, every day. I always feel in a hurry. Now, these problems have been solved very well, and the quality of the course is also guaranteed.

Sports, art, and music clubs cultivate children's interests and escort them to grow and follow the wind in the era of "double reduction".

  Since the introduction of the "double reduction" policy, the burden on students has been significantly reduced, but there are also some parents who are worried about how well their children are learning, when the amount of homework is reduced, and there is no written homework or paper-and-pencil test in the first and second grades of primary school. A bit bottomless.

  "In the future, we will explore evaluating the overall growth of children to make parents feel more at ease." Facing parents' questions, Ke Yuzhong and teachers continued to explore on the road of "double reduction".

(Reporter Jin Xiaoyan Liu Bochao)