Warnings against drinking too much coffee..it may lead to blindness

A number of experts said that excessive drinking of coffee may lead to vision problems up to the point of blindness, stressing the need to consume this drink in moderation and not to overdo it.

The newspaper "Express" quoted Vision Direct Eye Care Foundation as saying that excessive consumption of coffee can cause glaucoma, a condition in which the optic nerve that connects the eye to the brain is damaged, and if not diagnosed and treated early, this could eventually lead to blindness.

She explained that caffeinated drinks increase blood pressure, as well as the pressure in your eyes, and persistently high levels of eye pressure are known to cause glaucoma, so there could easily be a link between your coffee habit and one of the leading causes of blindness in the world.

A previous study conducted by Harvard Medical School concluded that there is a link between drinking three or more cups of coffee and the risk of fluid accumulation in the eye and increased pressure on the optic nerves, especially if there is a family history of glaucoma, and indicated that it is related to how each body deals with Caffeine, and the risk increases as a person gets older.

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