5 minutes

Jungian psychotherapy


Alaa Jarad


26 July 2022

I like reading about psychology, and I hope that an Introduction to Psychology book will be included in all educational levels. Knowing the human soul and understanding the person himself helps to a very large extent in solving problems, and even avoiding their occurrence in the first place, as there is convergence and understanding between people, and there is no doubt that most Our life problems result from problems in communication and expression, and a lack of awareness of the nature of the personalities we are dealing with.

Knowing oneself is the basis for knowing the world and knowing God Almighty, and was formulated by the philosopher Eckart Meister that the only way for one to know God is to know oneself.

And the Almighty said in Surah Fussilat (53): “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and in themselves, until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth.”

Swiss thinker Carl Jung founded analytical psychology, a comprehensive analytical approach to therapy that seeks to balance and unite the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind. and counseling that can help encourage psychological development.

Of course, Jungian analysis can only be practiced by qualified analysts.

Analytical psychology helps those with anxiety, addiction, trauma, and personality disorders by exploring personal growth and identifying historical causes of psychological problems, such as childhood trauma.

Rather than focusing on specific symptoms, such as anxiety, YOG therapy uses a holistic approach to developing the mental health of the entire personality, helping patients recognize the potential in themselves and contribute to personal growth and development.

Due to the comprehensiveness and depth of this treatment and its spiritual aspect, it has helped millions around the world to identify and overcome the obstacles that prevent them from living a fulfilling and happy life.

Analytical psychology contains three concepts, first: Jung's model of psychology, where Jung hypothesized that there are three components that make up the human psyche: the ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious.

The ego represents the conscious mind that contains awareness of existence and a sense of personal identity.

This is the area in which the personality is located, and where thoughts, intuitions, feelings and sensations are organized.

The personal unconscious consists of unconscious, forgotten or repressed memories.

Some personal unconscious can be called the conscious mind.

As for the collective unconscious, it is the assumption that there is a universal version of the personal unconscious, or in a closer sense are the common memories of our ancestors, which are common denominators that appear in different cultures, such as the fear of the dark or spiders.

Second: Singularity, according to the American Psychological Association, singularity is “the gradual development of a unified and integrated personality comprising greater and greater amounts of the unconscious on both the personal and collective levels.” Essentially, singularity is the process by which a person becomes aware of their own self-worth and uniqueness.

Third: Forms Derived from the collective unconscious, archetypes have been depicted as images and objects with universal meanings across a wide range of cultures, and these archetypes may appear in dreams, literature, religion, or art.

Knowing oneself is the basis for knowing the world and knowing God Almighty.



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