Today is the great heat of the twenty-four solar terms.

Like Xiaoshu, Dashu is also a season that reflects the degree of heat in summer, indicating that the weather is extremely hot.

In the face of the hot summer, three "summer diseases" need to be especially guarded against.

  One is heat stroke.

Heat stroke refers to the dysfunction of body temperature regulation caused by high temperature, which leads to damage to nerve organs. It can be said that it is the most serious stage of severe heat stroke.

The second is "emotional heat stroke".

Medically known as "Summer Affective Disorder Syndrome", when the weather is hot, people are more prone to "anger", often inexplicably upset, impatient, etc. This is "emotional heat stroke".

The third is "air conditioning disease".

If you stay in an air-conditioned room where the temperature is significantly lower than the outdoor temperature for a long time, you will be prone to symptoms such as nasal congestion, headache, back pain, loss of appetite, etc., commonly known as "air conditioning disease".

Responsible editor: [Song Fangcan]