On Wednesday, Pearl Jam canceled a planned concert in Vienna when Eddie Vedder's throat was damaged by heat and fire smoke during the band's outdoor gig outside Paris.

The singer has had contact with doctors but on Wednesday his vocal cords were not restored, the band announces on its website.

The American artist Andrew Bird was supposed to have played in London on Tuesday, but he also chose to cancel his concert due to the heat.

On Monday and Tuesday, several museums in London were forced to close due to the heat, including the Victoria and Albert Museum.

The British Museum kept the upper galleries closed and shortened their opening hours.

The temperature in some of the city's galleries and museums sometimes reached up to 35 degrees, writes the newspaper Museums Journal.

Museum staff believe that the heat poses a health risk, but also warns that museum objects can be damaged.

Objects of wax melt and the glue that holds together exhibition objects loses its effect, says a museum employee to Museums Journal.