Diabetes..a natural drink that improves blood sugar levels within hours

Type 2 diabetes can cause many health problems for a patient if its high levels are left untreated, and improving your diet can tame the blood sugar monster.

Research has found that drinking ginger ale can significantly lower blood sugar levels within hours.

And according to what “Express” quoted a study published in the journal Ethnic Foods, ginger tea has brilliantly proven that it contributes to reducing the effect of sugar in the blood in the short and long term.

The researchers conducted a systematic review of the use of ginger to reduce high blood sugar, and the researchers said that several recent clinical trials, published in 2013 and 2014, added convincing evidence about the use of ginger to reduce blood sugar levels, and researchers paid special attention to the effect of ginger on sugar during Fasting, and they found that ginger supplementation significantly reduced fasting blood glucose concentrations.

The researchers emphasized that when ginger is combined with diet and lifestyle interventions, it may be an effective intervention to control type 2 diabetes, with adherence to medication if prescribed by a doctor.

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