The worst fruit for diabetics..Avoid it immediately

Type 2 diabetes should not undermine the quality of life if you take simple steps to manage the diet, especially staying away from foods and drinks that raise blood sugar levels, including some types of fruits such as mango.

The British newspaper “Express” quoted nutrition expert Natalie Komova as saying that mango fruit can cause problems for diabetics, and it is a common tropical fruit that can exacerbate cases of diabetes due to its high sugar content, which can be about 23 to 25 grams per cup.

Likewise, she added, pineapple is a fruit rich in sugars, and the expert warns that viscous liquids can contain up to 16 grams of sugar in one cup, which is too high for diabetics because it can cause blood sugar levels to rise.

She explained that for bananas, they contain a high percentage of carbohydrates that are easily converted into glucose in the body, especially when eaten in excess quantities, in addition to the high sugar that gives bananas a sweet taste that can lead to high blood sugar and exacerbate cases of diabetes.

However, eating bananas is healthier than chocolate or processed sweets and safer for health because it does not contain artificial sugar, but people with diabetes should pay attention to the amount of carbohydrates they consume, and be sure to consult a doctor about the patient's diet.

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