An elephant killed five people in Mozambique, southeast Africa, including two children.

The youngest victim was one and a half years old, the other child twelve, said a police spokesman for the dpa news agency on Thursday.

Other people were injured, reports the pan-African news channel Africanews, based in France.

There is conflicting information about the number of animals involved.

Africanews reports that the people have been attacked by several pachyderms.

According to local police, the group was attacked while working in the fields in Cabo Delgado province.

The northern district of Macomia borders the Quirimbas National Park, home to hundreds of elephants.

The incident happened in an unprotected area.

The police have launched a search for the animal.

In many African countries, fatal clashes between humans and wild animals occur again and again due to shrinking natural areas and competition for limited natural resources.

It is the first such incident in the Cabo Delgado region. Terrorist groups have been active there since 2017.

Hundreds of thousands of people have left the area.