In a report, which is to be published on Tuesday July 12 and of which the

Journal du Dimanche

obtained a summary, the National Food Safety Agency (Anses) would finally recognize that there is a link between the risk of colon cancer and nitrite consumption.

According to this report, these additives, which give ham its pink color in particular, are present in 75% of charcuterie sold in supermarkets.

The WHO had already mentioned the fact, in 2018, that 4,000 cases of colorectal cancer could be linked to the consumption of cold meats, but this could not be proven.

However, according to a source familiar with the matter, “new epidemiological studies show that they increase the risk of cancer”.

Indeed, nitrites are not dangerous, but would become toxic when they are “combined with other compounds of cold meats and substances which are formed during their degradation in the digestive system”, indicates the document.

“A historical and political turning point”

ANSES therefore recommends that the acceptable daily intakes (ADI) be reassessed and that research into other types of cancer be carried out.

She would also recommend monitoring the quality of tap water, which is too rich in nitrates in certain places.

If many butchers and industrialists are likely to dispute this report, the whistleblower Guillaume Coudray, is delighted all the same and evokes “a historical and political turning point”.

While he has been interested in this subject for more than ten years, "this is the first time that the association link between cancer and nitro additives has been written in black and white in this way", he said. at the



Broaden the debate at European level

As for the deputy Richard Ramos, who has been seeking for two years to ban these chemical substances, he intends to wait for the publication of this report to "request their ban".

Similarly, at the start of the next school year, it plans to broaden the debate on the toxicity of nitrites in charcuterie at European level.


Health safety: MPs agree to limit nitrate additives in charcuterie, considered carcinogenic


Ham: A parliamentary report recommends a total ban on nitrites by 2025

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  • Colorectal cancer

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