Guest France

Uber: “There is confusion between questionable practices and the reality of the profession of lobbyist”

Audio 06:21

Uber's former security chief Joseph Sullivan faces a maximum sentence of eight years in prison if convicted AFP/File

By: Florent Guignard Follow

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and its partners have just revealed an investigation into the lobbying methods of the VTC company uber.

They reveal how Emmanuel Macron, then Minister of the Economy, facilitated the establishment of the controversial company in France.


Uber Files 

thus show how far lobbies can go.


Where is the cursor of legality in this matter?

Are there any regulations?

What are the methods used to achieve their ends?

Some answers with

Natacha Clarac

, Associate Managing Director at the European lobbying firm Athenora Consulting, co-author of

The Golden Rules of Lobbying

(Palio editions).


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  • France

  • Trade and distribution

  • Emmanuel Macron

  • Economy

  • Uber Files

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