Chloé Lagadou 11:55 a.m., July 11, 2022

Pressure, work overload and extended hours... The mental health of employees under 30 is put to the test.

This is revealed by a study by Malakoff Humanis.

Those under 30 are those who are arrested the most: 36% of them for the month of March according to the latest figures. 

Going to work with a lump in his stomach was Fabien's daily life before his sick leave.

Employed in IT, he burned out at the age of 29, he can no longer bear the constant pressure.

"I lost sleep, I lost the desire to go to work. By accumulation, it ended up exploding and it resulted in: 'I'm not going there anymore, I don't want to anymore, I give more news, I'm fed up. And we are very angry with each other, "he testifies at the microphone of Europe 1. 

Work has become a source of anxiety

The malaise of young people in business is a global phenomenon.

Gabriella is 26 years old.

She is commercial.

Barely a month after being hired, his work became a source of anxiety.

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“It was the first time in my life that I was prescribed anxiolytics”

"It was the first time in my life that I was prescribed a treatment, whether antidepressants or anxiolytics. When I talked about it a little around me, to my girlfriends, I realized that in fact, there were many who had already been there or who saw themselves going there for x reasons", she confides on Europe 1. To avoid getting there, one of the solutions for companies would be to rethink their management, explains Benoit Serre, vice-president of the national association of HRDs. 

"The somewhat classic model, I would even say old-fashioned, of the chef's management. The new generation can no longer stand it at all".

And besides, the Confederation of SMEs plans to publish a code of conduct for companies to preserve the mental health of young employees.