The approval of a

memory law to the liking of Bildu

has come to coincide with the anniversaries of the liberation of Ortega and Lara and the murder of Miguel Ángel Blanco.

That coincidence, which portrays the degradation of the PSOE, will remain in the memory as something worse than a huge tactical error.

Once again, those words from Joseba Pagaza's mother to Patxi López make sense:

"You will do things that will make our blood run cold."

The concession that this government has just made can only be called infamous

For the heirs of ETA, who have spent years pretending the impossible: to be approved as a fully-fledged democratic party

without traveling the pending path of conviction, pardon and judicial cooperation

that history and decency demand.

This is what the memory of a thousand murdered people demands, among them numerous socialists.

Well, for a miserable handful of votes Sánchez gives Bildu the oblivion of the victims, the questioning of the Transition and the rewriting of that story for which Rubalcaba asked to fight once the police defeat of the gang was completed.

Unfortunately, the protests of Felipe González or García Page against "forgetfulness" are anecdotal in the midst of the silence of a submitted party.

If they don't talk now, when will they?

Just have to break the


when failure is certified at the polls, not when the decisions that explain it are made?

Faced with such a display of cynicism,

it is logical that the vast majority of ETA victims respond to Sánchez with a sit-in


They will not attend the act in memory of Miguel Ángel Blanco with which the president, in the company of the King, aspires to wash his image next Sunday in Ermua.

Sánchez may be used to dissociating his pacts from his words and his deeds from his poses, but such exercises in amoral tightrope walking are forbidden to those who suffer the inextinguishable pain of the violent deprivation of their loved ones at the hands of terrorists.

ETA's crimes are only crimes, in a dictatorship and in a democracy, but

in democracy they are especially abominable


Granting them the fictional prerogative of extending Francoism until 1983 is as much as victimizing the executioners, acknowledging that there was a time when they killed for legitimate reasons, like the romantic revolutionaries they claim to be in the eyes of the new generations of Basques who do not know who they were. Miguel Angel Blanco.

In dismantling that hurtful hoax consists the battle for the story that Sánchez has betrayed in order to

patch up its parliamentary precariousness

, sewing it to the support of those who cheered the shots to the neck of Fernando Múgica or Ernest Lluch, or the car bomb that killed Fernando Buesa.

Socialists all three.

But the Spanish are not as amnesiac as Sánchez would like.

When they see Sánchez in Ermua on Sunday posing in the tribute to Miguel Ángel Blanco, they will compare that image with that of

the socialist bench voting with Bildu for its law of forgetfulness


And they will draw their conclusions, as they did in Andalusia.

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