Ex-girlfriend A, who had exposed actress Go Se-won's private life, began a second disclosure, saying, "I requested that the video of the body film be deleted, but contact was lost."

Mr. A recently said through an online community site, "After the first post, I have been blocked from contacting Go Se-won." He said, "There were dozens of videos that Go Se-won sent to me saying, 'Take a picture of a body part and send me a picture.' Videos that were not deleted were leaked. I want to be freed from the anxiety of being able to become."

“I live with psychiatric drugs.” Mr. A also requested to confirm that dozens of her body images were deleted and initialized, and also released a capture of Messi that he had exchanged with Go Se-won for a year.

Previously, in November of last year, Mr. A disclosed online about Go Se-won's private life by posting an article titled 'I was abandoned after I got pregnant by Mr. K, who is called the crown prince of housewives, and I had a miscarriage.'

At the time, Ko Se-won admitted that Mr. K was himself and said, "First of all, I would like to apologize to that woman for whatever reason. There will be a chance." 

(SBS Entertainment News reporter Kang Kyung-yoon)