The king of the phoenix tree is located in the Qina Folk Custom Park in Moyu County, Hotan Region, Xinjiang. The trunk is 3.5 meters in diameter and 11 meters in circumference.

"Qina" means phoenix tree. The garden is built with the phoenix tree king as the main body. It is a national 3A-level tourist attraction.

  The main body of the sycamore tree is thick and has 7 main branches.

According to Bao Xiaoqiang, general manager of Qina Folk Customs Garden, the vitality of the phoenix tree king is very tenacious. One of the main branches was broken due to strong winds, and then new branches grew around the fracture, and the whole tree was still luxuriant.

In his view, the seven main branches symbolize the seven counties in Hotan area, and the vigor of the king of plane trees after thousands of years symbolizes the long-term prosperity and stability of Hotan area.

  Today, under the scientific management and careful maintenance, the king of the sycamore tree continues to spread its branches and leaves, becoming a well-known "blessing tree".

(produced by Sui Zhiyuan and Wang Chao)

Responsible editor: [Liu Pai]