These lines are written when the president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation,

Luis Rubiales

, has not yet submitted

a resignation that seems inexcusable.

He accumulates so many scandals and the total lack of ethics of the person who still presides over the body that governs Spanish football in all its strata is so demonstrated that it is inconceivable at this point that he can remain entrenched in his easy chair.

Because in a regime of public opinion like ours one should not maintain a

someone like Rubiales, who

hired a detective agency to spy on the deputy director and head of Investigation of EL MUNDO

, Esteban Urreiztieta.

His dishonorable objective was to try to find out what the source had been that had allowed the events to come to light.

Super Cup Files

, the scandalous operation to take this competition to Saudi Arabia, in which a judge already sees signs of crime.

Not only can we be facing a serious interference in the right to privacy, but there has been a violation of one of the fundamental rights included in the Constitution, such as freedom of information.

EL MUNDO will take the pertinent actions to court.

But for now

if Rubiales persists in his inadmissible entrenchment,

is the Secretary of State for Sport,

Jose Manuel Franco

, who must take action on the matter immediately.

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