With the need to reflect children's opinions in various aspects of society, a forum was held in Tokyo to consider the importance of opportunities for children to have dialogues from an early age.

The forum was opened by a video production company to foster expressiveness, thinking ability, and empathy through an initiative called "Children's Kaigi" in which children freely exchange opinions in a circle.

First of all, four people, including the minister in charge of declining birthrate Noda and experts, exchanged opinions, and the voice of children, which was often neglected until now, will be accepted by the Children's Family Agency, which will be established in April next year, and children. From that time, it was pointed out that the experience of respecting each other's opinions leads to a society where diverse people can live comfortably.

After that, "Children's Kaigi" was held by five elementary school students on the theme of dialogue, such as "listening to people's stories and deepening their opinions and changing myself" and "to solve the war through discussions." It may become. "

A 6th grade boy who participated said, "At first I thought about what to do if denied, but now that I know that each person has their own opinions, I think that social problems can be solved through discussions." I was talking.

The sponsoring company wants to expand its efforts nationwide by creating a manual for adults to create an atmosphere where children can easily express their opinions.