The Kermorvan lighthouse, located in Le Conquet (Finistère) welcomes visitors throughout the summer.

The famous square building over 20 m high has indeed reopened its doors to the public after remaining inaccessible for 30 years.

During this period, the lighthouse built in 1843 was renovated, says France 3 Bretagne.

Its lighting, for example, was automated in 1994. This system had been removed from the building and placed under cover during the Second World War.

The tower was however finally one of the only ones not to be the target of bombardments in 1944.

Renovation and securing

The Kermorvan lighthouse is however easily identifiable since it is the construction of this type located the most to the west of continental metropolitan France.

In addition to a renovation, the 173-year-old tower has undergone security work.

In particular, they allow tourists to safely climb the 77 steps that lead to its summit.


Gironde: The Cordouan lighthouse, classified by Unesco, reopens on April 2


Brittany: Finally!

The cursed lighthouse of Tévennec will be renovated and saved from certain death

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