Louise Bernard, with Alexis Patri 11:08 a.m., July 01, 2022

The social network for sharing photos and ephemeral messages Snapchat launches Snapchat+.

This paid version of its application offers several options that complement its usual free services, which do not disappear.

Snapchat+ is available in ten countries, including France.

Snapchat+ arrives in France.

This feature is none other than the paid version of Snapchat, the social network for sharing photos and ephemeral messages, very popular with young people.

Thanks to a subscription of 3.99 dollars per month (about 3.82 euros), it is now possible for Snapchat users to have access to new features hitherto inaccessible on the social network. 

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Continuation of advertising

Among these paid features of Snapchat+, it will now be possible to know who has watched the content you have posted in stories several times.

This paid version also offers tools to customize your profile.

This paid version is available in ten countries, including France.

No question, however, for the application to remove advertising, paid version or not, because it is on this advertising that its entire economic model is based.

The launch of a paid subscription option still betrays the financial difficulties of the social network, which generates a large turnover (more than 4 billion in 2021) but which does not generate a net profit.