Recently, when the police from the Fourth Brigade of the Sixth Detachment of the Shanxi Expressway Traffic Police were patrolling to the exit of the Yuxian service area of ​​the Beijing-Kunming Expressway, they found a truck full of edible salt parked on the side of the road. The left rear tire of the car caught fire.

The police took out the fire extinguisher from the car to put out the fire. The fire was just put out, and the tire exploded violently.

Fortunately, protection was timely and no one was injured.

Police placed warning signs to prevent secondary accidents.

The fire department quickly arrived at the scene and the danger was ruled out.

(Reporter Wang Huilin's video comes from the Sixth Detachment of Shanxi Expressway Traffic Police)

Responsible editor: [Fang Jialiang]