friendly space

embarrassing questions

Amal El Minshawi


30 June 2022

It surprised us, painful, surprising, sometimes vague, and frank and clear in others, whose owners do not care about the arrows that usually accompany them or any pain left behind.

It spoils friendliness, irritates the chest, and creates spaces of distance in social relations that rarely ever return to what they were before.

It is mastered by those who are not good at respecting others and appreciating their circumstances, and those who follow them even if it is not what they want.

The worst of them comes in times of weakness and setbacks, when one often desires to retire from the world in order to be able to heal his wounds.

It does not take into account neighbourhood, fellowship, friendship or blood relationship, and it cannot be described as love or concern for the interest of a person who does not want to divulge or speak.

Some go too far by repeating it whenever an occasion arises or an opportunity arises, so that the far and near know them as the “followers,” and over time, descriptions and negative qualities follow.

Are the embarrassing questions and questions that we invade the privacy of others without civility or consideration, such as: How much is your salary?

Why did not you get married yet?

Why did you not give birth despite the passage of all these years since your marriage?

And many, many more.

Some of us have the courage to respond, repel, and defend our privacy, while others remain silent, perhaps out of embarrassment or lack of experience in dealing with such situations, or because the questioner is older, or because he is a relative of the status of a father or a mother.

We all have shortcomings, no one is perfect, and in the lives of each of us there are special areas, difficult circumstances and mistakes that he may not want to share with others, and one of the basics of proper dealing is that a person feels comfortable with dialogue and dealing with respect.

Each of us has feelings and feelings that are indescribable and do not recognize disclosure no matter how much we have the best friends, so how is the situation with those who insist on storming those areas and taking out what is in them.

Embarrassing questions leave a lump in the same person who receives them, they rarely forgive or exceed them, and we have to learn and train ourselves not to overstep, and that our questions are always within the limits of what is permissible and that we use our intelligence in choosing the right timing.

The healthiest and longest-lived relationships are those in which the parties maintain a space of privacy and respect, and what distinguishes them most is that “it is part of a person’s good Islam to leave what does not concern him.”

In the life of each of us there are special areas, difficult circumstances and mistakes that he may not want to share with others, and one of the ABCs of fair dealing is that a person feels comfortable with dialogue and dealing with respect.


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