What are the precautions for ordinary consumers to buy Hetian jade? How can the jade "Xiaobai" simply identify the authenticity of Hetian jade?

Recently, Etina, a "net celebrity" in Hotan, Xinjiang, and Guo Yan, a teacher at the Hotan Jade Training School, gave netizens intimate tips on how to avoid pitfalls and recognize fakes.

First of all, the easiest way is to use a mobile phone flashlight and other tools to carefully check the jade for cracks, water lines and other defects; secondly, to see whether the flesh of the jade is delicate; and then to see whether the jade carving is flawless.

In addition to looking at the quality of the jade itself, it is also necessary to distinguish the source of the jade. The common Russian jade and Korean jade are different from Hetian jade in color and weight, which should be distinguished.

Finally, due to the high value of Hetian jade, you should be careful when purchasing, look at, compare, and observe more, and pay attention to shopping around.

(made by Sui Zhiyuan)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]