The tragedy that already leaves

at least 23 sub-Saharans dead

by the avalanche on Friday when hundreds of migrants tried to cross into Melilla, is one of the most devastating episodes that have been experienced on the border of the Spanish city.

We are facing a human drama that hits us as a society.

And that places us before the harshest face of a phenomenon such as irregular flows, which has become one of the main challenges for an Old Continent forced to

combine its security with politics.

migratory policies that do not lose sight of the values ​​of humanism

of which we should be able to continue to be proud.

It would be unacceptable for the citizens of the community club, where respect for human rights prevails, to resign ourselves to misfortunes like this.

This latest assault on Melilla occurred on the eve of the NATO Summit in Madrid.

And it is frustrating to say the least that, as we are anticipating today, neither the Mediterranean nor North Africa seems to be a priority in the

new security strategy that has to be signed in Madrid.

It is misunderstood that Moncloa is not able to take advantage of this opportunity so that the partners of the Atlantic Alliance commit to an operational reinforcement on the southern flank of Europe, which is the scenario where the main threats to the stability of our country are today.


Sahel infested with jihadist groups

increasingly strong and desperate human trafficking mafias that have consolidated new routes with Spain as the gateway to Europe, are disturbing phenomena that can only be fought against with concerted and multilateral action in which the capacities of the Atlantic Alliance should not be inhibited.

Especially when the war in Ukraine and the exorbitant increase in prices, with a

looming famine in much of Africa

, threaten to trigger a massive wave of migration.

For now, this painful episode demands a

Thorough investigation and purging of responsibilities

For this reason, at the moment it already points to blatant excesses in the actions of the Moroccan police forces and inadmissible failures in the Interior operation on the Spanish side.

The cooperation of the Alaouite kingdom in migratory matters is essential for Spain.

But this cannot mean that Pedro Sánchez maintains such a yielding position with Rabat -beginning with his turn on the Sahara- that it prevents him from even requesting

that the images of fierce mistreatment of Moroccan policemen be investigated

and why the wounded who lay dying for hours were not helped.

The Government must also explain whether agents from the Alaouite kingdom entered Spanish territory to beat up and return dozens of migrants in the heat of the moment.

And of course to give an account and assume once and for all its responsibility for the

shortage of agents -poorly equipped- to stop assaults

like the one on Friday and the total negligence of the Interior to shield the border perimeter of Melilla, especially in the part without fencing, despite the promises of the non-compliant Marlaska.

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