The SNCF modified this Thursday the pricing rules for the transport of pets on its lines.

The new grid is much simpler than before since the single price is now 7 euros.

The compulsory transport ticket can be purchased online or at the station, says



Before this change, in the event that the animal weighed less than six kilos and could travel in a basket, the ticket already cost 7 euros.

But it spoiled above six kilos.

The amount of the ticket was obtained by dividing by two the price of a second class train ticket at full price, itself calculated according to a kilometer scale.

10 euros on the Ouigo

Some travelers had to pay a large sum to travel on trains with their pets.

There are many examples of unhappy customers on Twitter.

A client paid 88 euros for the round trip Paris/Avignon to transport her dog.

For another, his dog's ticket cost him 47.20 euros, while his cost him 39 euros.

The price of the ticket more expensive for my dog ​​than for me.

But of course.

— Aurélie Drvn ‏Ggr (@AurelieDrvn) January 28, 2021

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This new price is applied to TGV Inoui, Intercités trains and TER trains.

Regarding Ouigo trains, the price of the ticket for the pet has been set at 10 euros, instead of 15 euros previously.

Guide dogs for the blind are not affected.


What are the rules for traveling to Europe with your pet?


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  • SNCF

  • Animals

  • Train

  • Travel