News 1+1丨Voluntary filling in the college entrance examination, how to avoid the trap?

  Recently, the results of the college entrance examination in various places have been announced one after another, and the score lines of many provinces have been released.

Volunteer filling has entered a critical period. The Ministry of Education requires relevant Internet platforms to unify authoritative signs, so that the majority of candidates and parents can obtain formal service information, and they can fill in the report independently and reasonably according to their actual situation.

The "News 1+1" broadcast on June 24 invited Qin Chunhua, Dean of the Examination Research Institute of Peking University, to discuss the related issues of volunteering for the college entrance examination. I will remind you of these situations ↓↓↓

After the college entrance examination, guard against traps

  After the results of the college entrance examination are announced, be careful of these traps:

  False propaganda has so-called "inside information" and can "accurately locate schools", etc.

  Fake the identity of the so-called volunteer expert to provide guidance to candidates and parents

  Claiming to be "100% guaranteed" and "not wasting a single point", but actually encourage candidates to fill in the colleges or majors that can be admitted with lower scores

  Fraud under the guise of consulting services.

Such as forging admission notices, requiring candidates to pay tuition fees in advance, etc.

What are the possible effects of the trap?

  Qin Chunhua, dean of the Peking University Examination Research Institute, said that economic loss is only one aspect, and more importantly, it is misleading students and parents, not only spending money unjustly, but also misreporting volunteers and delaying the future.

Why are some "traps" not advanced, and some students and parents continue to be deceived?

  Qin Chunhua, dean of the Peking University Examination Research Institute, said that candidates and their parents are vulnerable to psychological anxiety when faced with a vast sea of ​​admissions information in the high-admission stage.

Criminals take advantage of this feature of information asymmetry, especially in recent years, new majors, new fields, new terms and other content are far from the lives of ordinary people, and liars even consciously create anxiety, thereby trapping candidates and parents into traps.

What consultation channels are there for volunteering?

  Qin Chunhua, dean of the Peking University Examination Research Institute, said that in recent years, various colleges and universities, including social welfare organizations and social welfare people, have done a lot of work in helping students fill in the application form.

It can be roughly divided into several types of supply channels: the first type is the admissions offices of various colleges and universities; the second type is the admissions consultation meeting held by various local media and TV stations; the third type is social volunteers; , but there are good and bad.

How do you view the popular and unpopular in the application for volunteers?

  Qin Chunhua, dean of the Peking University Examination Research Institute, said that there are unpopular and popular jobs in social work, but there are no unpopular and popular majors in university majors.

It may be a popular major at present, but the popularity will decline after 4 years.

If it is completely based on the popularity of the majors in the university, it will always be in a swinging state.

A person's life is long, and the career changes experienced are cyclical. We should respond to external changes with a stable and unchanging professional expectation.

  The results of the college entrance examination are announced. I hope that every effort of the candidates will not be let down. I also hope that everyone can avoid traps and make peaceful and rational choices when filling in their volunteers.

In addition, the college entrance examination is only a staged judgment of academic career. Whether life is excellent and happy is determined by one's own continuous efforts, not by an exam.

Hope all candidates enjoy this wonderful holiday and move on.