The authors of the upcoming series "The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power" showed the first images of the orcs and told in detail how they approached their creation.

Executive Producer Lindsey Weber and Head of Makeup Jamie Wilson told IGN that the upcoming project will span the Second Age of Tolkien's Legendarium, thousands of years before the Third Age featured in Peter Jackson's film trilogy.

Filmmakers thought for a long time how to organically and naturally convey the images of the characters.

During the Second Age, the orcs had not yet gathered into a powerful army - they are divided into small groups and live in tunnels, which “was the only way out for them, because they have been hunted for so long.

So, in fact, this is their return - they are being transformed under the wing of a new leader who will lead them forward, ”says Wilson.

The way of life further influenced the appearance, behavior and condition of the orcs.

As Wilson explained, he instructed his team to approach the orcs as if they were "babies".

If we compare the updated characters with the orcs from the movie trilogy, where they are covered with many scars and wounds due to participation in numerous battles and battles, then in the series they will appear “as if before the next series of major battles”, (them. -


) the texture is much smoother .

Because of this, their skin is not as dark and their bodies are not as muscular, and in general, Orcs are "new" and not "worn out" versions of their future selves.

Changes in the series will affect not only the physiology of the orcs, but also the sexual structure of their population.

Lindsey Weber noted that new characters will appear in the series - female orcs, from whom she is delighted.

In particular, she likes a "very tall and strong orc" who will be involved in a flamboyant fight. 

To give the dark creatures an updated look, the filmmakers used modern make-up.

20 years ago, while working on The Lord of the Rings, the team used foam latex with a smooth or textured surface to create realistic images.

But the big discovery, according to Wilson, was the encapsulated silicon used to create Gimli's dwarf appearance.

It was also applied here.

Also, when applying makeup, silicone was actively used. 

“All the ears, noses, body parts of the orcs are made of encapsulated silicone, which is essentially two layers of silicone, between which a movable silicone layer is enclosed, so when such patches are applied to the faces of the actors, they can move and everything works.

They also mimic the actor's skin temperature.

You see these translucent pads and you can gently apply makeup on them, it's almost like making up the person himself, and not completely sealing him and covering him with a thick layer of paint on top, as was done in the old days, ”explained Wilson.

Vrochem, a variety of computer graphics in the series will also be. 

“One way or another, visual effects will still be used, even if for minor improvements.

After all, keep in mind when it comes to stunts and action scenes, some things a person is simply physically incapable of.

Therefore, here it is required to resort to visual effects.

There are many such things.

Also, many practical effects fall on different creatures and creatures that require subsequent (computer. -


) refinement.

So everything is very closely interconnected, ”explains Wilson.

Social media users have mostly positively met the presented images: even those who are not a fan of the history of the John Tolkien universe praise the orcs that the filmmakers got. 

“Honestly, they are even scarier than the orcs from the latest movies.

Of course, this is better, although there are still noticeable differences between the orcs from the movie trilogy and the orcs from the Lord of the Rings prequel.

I'm impressed, ”says one of the comments.

“And I love that feral tribal feel that comes from the orcs in the upcoming Lord of the Rings series.

Given that these are pre-Sauron Orcs, this is not the effective fighting machine we've seen in the movies.

I wonder how they will be used in the series,” writes another blogger.

At the same time, some people were dissatisfied with the fact that the filmmakers decided to make the orcs more like living people.

“They want to try to humanize the orcs in Lord of the Rings.

What the...?”, — one of the Twitter users is indignant. 

Also, many were surprised by the appearance of female orcs in the series - bloggers refuse to believe that such creatures were invented by John Tolkien.

According to one of the authors, it is easier to believe that The Lord of the Rings was invented by Peter Jackson, who directed the full-length film trilogies, than to admit the existence of female orcs.

However, some argue that Tolkien himself confirmed their existence.

“In his letter to Mrs. Munby, auctioned in 2002, Tolkien wrote that there are indeed female orcs in the Lord of the Rings universe.

However, in the works they were not given much attention, because they did not often go on wanderings and did not participate in wars, ”the commentary says.

British paleontologist and evolutionary biologist Henry Gee confirmed that the letter does contain such information.

The first trailer for The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power has been released online.

It caused a mixed reaction from the audience - some immediately noted that the plot of the upcoming project departs from the story invented by John Tolkien.

In addition, not everyone liked the obviously more computer graphics, suggestive that the screen is a 3D cartoon.

According to users, the original films looked "old and dirty"‎, and the new video turned out to be "too sterile and digital"‎.

Some also resented the choice of black actor Ismael Cruz Córdoba to play the elf Arondir.

One of the bloggers emphasized that "there are no dark-skinned and black people in Middle-earth, they live in its eastern part (Easterlings)."

Many expressed the hope that the series "will not have a modern social agenda."

The series is expected to premiere on September 2, 2022 on Amazon Prime Video.

The roles will be played by Nazanin Boniadi (Iron Man), Joseph Mole (Game of Thrones), Charlie Vickers (Medici: Lords of Florence) and other actors.

A total of five seasons are planned.

In them, viewers will see new characters, locations and conflicts.