The AgroParisTech engineering school said on Tuesday that it had taken legal action after an internal survey of its students reported 17 cases of rape and dozens of sexual assaults among its students, which echo other accusations of sexual violence in several major schools.

This survey, conducted in December by the Sexuality Awareness and Information Unit (Cassis), a student association, among the school's entire student community (970 students, from first year to doctorate) , draws up an “alarming” report, according to this cell.

“Scale is important”

Out of 566 complete responses, 526 cases of discriminatory behavior or remarks or remarks with a sexual connotation (without physical contact) were identified.

141 respondents said they had been victims of sexual assault and 17 of rape (in 16 cases women and one case a person who declared themselves to be “non-binary”).

“The scale is significant”, underlined to AFP Laurent Buisson, the general manager of AgroParisTech, who specified having received the final report from the student cell on Sunday, and having “signed a letter to the prosecutor of the Republic yesterday (Monday)”.

“For the period covered by this investigation, that is to say the last four promotions, we already knew that there had been cases.

There had been two referrals to the disciplinary section, with sanctions, and reports to the public prosecutor.

But there, what we have taken the measure of is the number of cases that have not reached us, ”he added.

“A back-to-school action plan”

In total, 76% of situations of sexual violence with physical contact were suffered by women, and 58.8% were perpetrated by men.

The school will "deploy an action plan at the start of the school year", declared Laurent Buisson.

"We will seek to have external referents at school, we will seek partnerships with associations or service providers", in particular to "ensure presence in festive events" and conduct "annual surveys", he said. he adds.

Justice has recently opened several investigations into accusations of sexual violence within prestigious schools.

In April, a preliminary investigation for rape and sexual assault was opened by the Evry prosecution following an internal questionnaire from the Polytechnic school revealing the extent of these facts within the establishment.

In October, another investigation was opened after revelations targeting CentraleSupélec.

An internal study had reported a hundred acts of sexual harassment, sexual assault or rape during the university year.


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  • Company

  • University

  • Sexual violence

  • Rape

  • Justice