France faces a complicated legislature in which the President of the Republic,

Emmanuel Macron

, will be forced to demonstrate a lot of political strength after the severe setback that the loss of the absolute majority this Sunday in the National Assembly has caused.

It is the first time since 2002 that a newly elected president has failed to gain control of Parliament - let us remember that Macron won his second term in April, a victory that he has failed to capitalize on.

That said, the verdict

e the ballot boxes also remove scenarios as fearful as those that were speculated on during the campaign, such as cohabitation.

Although the leftist alliance,


, has obtained a magnificent result, has fallen behind the presidential coalition,


, and its leader,

Jean-Luc Mélenchon

, far from the intended goal of becoming prime minister.

That duo with such antagonistic political orientations would have condemned France to a chaotic and sterile legislature.

After the scare, Macron will have to deploy all his arts of seduction with the center-right benches and lean on the Republicans, who have avoided the catastrophe that the polls predicted and could serve as a crutch for the president, although this Sunday they affirmed that they will remain in the opposition.

Furthermore, these legislative ones, which constitute a true earthquake in French politics, leave the record of seats of the extreme right of

Marine LePen

, already raised to the third group of the Assembly.

And they confirm the strong disaffection of citizens towards the system and, above all, towards a leadership perceived as far removed from the real problems that the French suffer today.

In this sense, the

abstention level

such a high is worrying and forces the parties to reflect urgently on the ticking time bomb that represents a

strong polarization scenario

to which is added the growing lack of interest in institutionality.

It is the perfect breeding ground for populism of any sign.

France must face serious internal reforms in an economic context as delicate as the current one.

But leadership is also expected from Paris in an EU shaken more than ever by challenges such as the Russian one.

And, for all this, yesterday's result does not exactly make things easier.

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