Was it simply poisoning that caused the victim to die?

On the 18th SBS 'I want to know it', the sub-title 'Gangnam 'Ant Ghost' Scandal - What Happened in That Hospital' lit up the crime using etomidate.

In December of last year, a woman in her 50s made an extreme choice.

He also reported a man to the police in October of last year, before his death.

Yumi, who died, said she had been repeatedly sexually assaulted by Director Jang, the director of a hospital in Gangnam, which she reported along with other women who suffered similar injuries.

However, it was revealed that Yumi continued to visit the hospital even though she had been sexually assaulted by Director Jang.

This shocked her when she found out that she had become addicted to dating Tommy with him, a woman who sued her manager Jang with him.

They have been continuously receiving etomidate, one of the general anesthetics, as it is non-addictive and helps sleep at the words of Director Jang.

And it was revealed that Director Jang sexually assaulted the women who took the drug while they were losing their minds.

As a result, four victims reported to Director Jang.

They reported Director Jang not only for sexual offenses but also for manipulation of medical records, and Jang was arrested on a dozen charges in April.

However, it is now revealed that Director Jang is denying all the charges against him.

Experts paid attention to the continued overdose of etomidate in addition to Jang's sexual offenses.

Etomidate is a drug that is not classified as a narcotic, but if this drug is administered in excess of the recommended amount, it may cause organ damage and various sequelae, so it was not preferred by anesthesiologists.

And through the interview, the production team confirmed that Director Jang was selecting patients who came to the hospital.

Director Jang was only targeting single women who could pay in cash and had no boyfriend or husband.

And the women who were addicted to this drug paid an average of 20 to 3 million won a day for injections, resulting in financial damage ranging from less than 1 billion won to as high as 1.5 to 2 billion won.

The addicted patients could not stop after taking one ampoule and requested additional medication, and Director Jang did not stop this.

In particular, it was revealed that Director Jang committed sexual assault when additional medication occurred.

Women who had never wanted one, but Director Jang insisted that the sex with the victims was consensual.

In particular, people around Dr. Jang talked about his usual behavior and argued that it was the patient's conspiracy, saying, "Dr. Jang is not a person like that."

Director Jang, who claims that it is a medical practice to treat insomnia, pointed out that there is no such treatment and that there is no such thing and that the continuous administration of the drug could not have known that it is an unethical act.

In addition, during the interview, the production team confirmed that there was a case in 2018 where a woman who was taking Etomidate at the hospital of Director Jang committed suicide by suicide.

In particular, this woman turned out to be an acquaintance of one of the victims who sued Director Jang last year.

In the past, SBS also reported on the issue of etomidate administration by Director Jang.

At the time, it was revealed that Director Jang escaped the crime and changed the name of the hospital and continued to operate the hospital after the article was reported.

And it turned out that there were no sanctions or forced investigations against Director Jang at the time, but it was shocking that there was no problem in the medical law.

In addition, in the investigation by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, it was found that Director Jang made false medical records in preparation for due diligence, and that etomidate, which was kept in the clinic, was taken home and was not caught.

An expert pointed out the seriousness of the situation, "People who cannot afford propofol are looking for etomidate as an alternative drug, and abuse is increasing. And some lawmakers are encouraging it."

In fact, it was revealed that etomidate is currently being used for purposes other than its original purpose. Director Jang's hospital purchased 3,200 boxes, which was the second largest amount among hospitals in Seoul.

Director Jang, who persuaded other patients to refuse to testify in addition to the four accusers, is still claiming not to be acquitted.

In response, the expert said, "Even in the past similar rape acts, there were doctors who were only disqualified from training and were not subject to criminal punishment, so there were doctors who worked in other hospitals. Under the current medical law, even in cases of violent crimes such as murder or rape, the doctor's license cannot be revoked, which is a problem. There is," he said sadly.

Another expert said, "It is only possible for a group of experts to discriminate between intentional and unethical behavior. A third person who can guarantee the fairness that can guarantee this should be accompanied to investigate. We need to create an infrastructure so that unethical behavior does not occur.”

In 2015, a doctor who had sex with a patient after injecting a drug mixed with drugs belonging to the extreme drug category.

The court did not examine the possibility of unilateral sexual violence, and sentenced the doctor to one year and six months in prison, accepting the doctor's claim that he caused an unexpected death because he did not know the side effects of the drug while doing good to a patient he had an internal relationship with.

And after serving his sentence, he applied for a doctor's license reissuance last year, and the court decided to reissue a doctor's license last May.

In response, the broadcast urged us to wake up, saying that it is not only the addicts who need to wake up from sleep anesthesia, but our society. 

(SBS Entertainment News Editor Kim Hyo-jung)