It's done, Alexander Sergeevich.

It came true, Nikolai Vasilyevich.

We've arrived, Fyodor Mikhailovich.

All works written by Russian and Soviet authors will be removed from the school curriculum in Ukraine.

The decision was made by a working group under the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.

The task is to update the content of curricula on foreign literature.

Foreign, yes.

This is happening in a country where at least half of the population is still Russian-speaking.

Where at least a third of the population consider themselves Russian.

Where three-quarters of the population taught Russian literature in Soviet schools as their own, and not foreign.

They were brought up by her, nourished.

Specifically, all the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky are removed from the curricula.

Everything is clear with them, all three are imperialists: Pushkin portrayed Mazepa as a Judas;

Lermontov generally fought, and excellently;

there is no question of Dostoevsky - his diaries are worse than Prokhanov's editorials.

Leo Tolstoy, Turgenev and Nekrasov were also seized.

Russian nobles, everything is clear with them, especially since Tolstoy also fought - first in the Caucasus, and then for the Crimea against the British and French partners of Ukraine and arms suppliers, moreover.

All works by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov are confiscated.

And all the works of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko.

And Chekhov's stories.

Removed from the list of additional literature "The Twelve Chairs" by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov.

And here we are overtaken by a specific dissonance.

The fact is that Bulgakov was born in Ukraine!

In Kyiv!

Korolenko was born in Ukraine!

In Zhytomyr!

Evgeny Petrov was born in Odessa!

His mother is Evgenia Bachey, from the Poltava nobles.

Ilya Ilf was also born in Odessa.

Finally, Chekhov was born in Taganrog, which Ukrainians firmly consider Ukrainian.


How can they be "foreign" writers if they were born in Ukraine?

Did you sing her?

They are local!

Who dared to disarm them?

Sholokhov is no longer on the program.

And he has a mother from near Chernigov - Anastasia Chernikova, a Khokhlushka.

He has a whole gallery of Ukrainian heroes in novels.

How many people in Ukraine proved that Sholokhov was theirs.

Not needed now.

But this is not the final.

In Ukraine, they no longer want their children to read Griboyedov's Woe from Wit.

And grief from the mind no longer threatens them.

Krylov's fables were confiscated, Yesenin's poems were confiscated (and he translated Shevchenko and wrote the poem, for a moment, "Walk the Field"), poems by Nikolai Gumilyov, Marina Tsvetaeva and Arseniy Tarkovsky were thrown out.

Give these news to Joseph Brodsky.

He will write the second part of the ode to the secession of Ukraine.

The novel "Amphibian Man" by Alexander Belyaev was removed.

All prose and poetry dedicated to the Great Patriotic War were subjected to the most severe attack: there is no Nazism in Ukraine, just from reading literature about the victories of the Red Army, demons smoke.

It would be nice if Konstantin Simonov was seized (and he was seized) - they even pushed Okudzhava out, even though he completely liberalized in the finale of his life, welcoming the collapse of the USSR and rooting for Basayev.

They removed "Babi Yar" by Kuznetsov, "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" by Boris Vasiliev, "Alpine Ballad" by Vasil Bykov.

But don't even let that surprise you.

Removed the entire section "Epics"!

Including "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber".

Because it takes a long time to explain to children that these are not Russian epics, but “Russian”, that is, Ukrainian, and Murom, from which Ilya Muromets comes, is not a Russian Murom, but a local one that was near Kyiv.

Children - they can believe in any nonsense, but here even children find it difficult to live with it.

Therefore, it is easier to throw out all the epics and forget like a bad dream.

What will replace what was taken?

Listen further.

Instead of Pushkin in the seventh grade, they will study Heine and Mickiewicz.

Because one is German.

And another Pole.

And these are European nations, sir.

Instead of the story "White Bim Black Ear" by Gavriil Troepolsky, children are offered "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets".

Let's stop here for a second and state the obvious.

Russian literature is one of the four greatest modern literatures.

Along with French, Anglo-American, German.

Enlightened humanity can no longer exist outside of Anna Karenina and The Brothers Karamazov.

Without Chekhov's plays and Bulgakov's novels.

But even The Master and Margarita was replaced in Ukraine with The Plague by Albert Camus.

The most comical fact: Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's The Inspector General was withdrawn.

First, there is about Russia.

Secondly, Khlestakov is too similar to Zelensky.

However, Khlestakov is a harmless creature.

And we see another Khlestakov in front of us - from which conceivable and unthinkable evil spirits crawled out, as in another Gogol story.

Take it away as soon as possible, otherwise you'll burn.

Live with Mickiewicz in the middle of the plague.

Until dawn.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.