The Greek artist The Krank has produced a work visible from the sky to warn against the ecological destruction caused by man.

It's a giant shoe print.

It was designed in Mongonissi Bay, on the Greek island of Paxos, reports the Huffington Post.

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Fifteen days were needed for this creation of land art designed with the surrounding land, and which extends over 1,000 m2.

The work was baptized "Footprint".

Through his work, the artist wishes to highlight "the imminent need to find a point of balance between economic growth, social well-being and the preservation of the environment", as he confides on his Instagram account. .

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“Conceptually, Footprint is about the meaning of loss.

Nature, ecosystems, biodiversity are in a variable state with a negative sign.

The parallelism that emerges through the "ephemerality" of my work, and our presence as a species, reinforces the message I wanted to communicate.

Everything is fluid, and nothing should be taken for granted,” detailed the artist on the Behance site.

This work was conceived as part of the Paxos Contemporary Art Biennale 2022. This free event offers sculptures, installations, photographs, murals in public and theatrical events.

The objective is to highlight young artists.


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  • Planet

  • Greece

  • ecology

  • Art

  • Biodiversity