• Palencia They find alive the bear that faced the male that fell in Palencia

The control and monitoring work carried out by environmental agents and guards from the Department of the Environment, Housing and Territory Planning and Bear Patrols of the Castilla y León Natural Heritage Foundation have been able to confirm that

the cub of the adult bear plunged

into the Palentina Mountain He is also alive, as is his mother.

After recording images at the entrance to the cave, thanks to the cameras installed, now the priority is to continue

providing support food,

both to the bear and to the bear cub, and try to

check the extent of

the bear's injuries to assess its viability, or if, on the contrary, the bear cub had to be captured to achieve its survival and taken to specialized facilities until it reaches the appropriate weight and age, as reported by the Ministry.

To know more


The reason for the bear attack that has become "viral": It was against the baby


The reason for the bear attack that has become "viral": It was against the baby

This protocol was already successfully applied in 2019 and 2020 with the

cubs Saba



, which, after passing through the semi-free acclimatization facilities that the Board has on the Valsemana farm (León), could be

reintroduced successfully in the Cantabrian Mountains.

The technicians of the Junta and the Natural Heritage Foundation of Castilla y León have been monitoring the cave since last Monday with

endoscopic cameras and poles

, being able to confirm then that the bear was alive, although the extent of the injuries is unknown due to the impossibility of access to the area, since the cave has a gallery length of more than 15 meters.


real-time vision cameras

installed at the entrance to the cavity have now made it possible to capture the cub's movements.

Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

Know more

  • Lion