The number of people who are enthusiastic about "online casinos" that bet money from smartphones via the Internet is increasing, and the problem of addiction is becoming more serious. I requested the country.

The request was submitted by four organizations that provide consultations from addicts such as gambling and alcohol.

According to each group that had a press conference in Tokyo on the 10th, "online casinos" can bet a large amount of money in a short time, and there is a high risk of becoming addicted due to the ease of accessing from a smartphone 24 hours a day, so consultation is available. It means that the number of cases received is increasing.

Domestic gambling is prohibited by criminal law, but online casinos are not regulated by Japanese law because the site operator is based overseas where gambling is legal.

For this reason, in the request form, the group sought to amend the law and tighten regulations so that even if there are overseas bases, the gambling party will be guilty or will not be able to access online casinos from within the country. I am.

We also request that people be widely informed that they will be charged with gambling if they use it domestically.

Noriko Tanaka, the representative of one of the groups, "Thinking about the Problem of Gambling Addiction," said, "The number of people who go to online casinos is increasing because vague social unrest spreads due to Korona-ka and you can forget what you dislike and get excited. Isn't it? At this rate, the number of people with addiction will only increase, and there is an urgent need to regulate it. "