Yangmei is sweet and sour, and it is very popular among "foodies".

A few days ago, it was the season when bayberry came into the market one after another, and some consumers found that bayberry often had a white bug when it was cleaned.

Why are there such insects on bayberry, is it harmful to the human body, and how to deal with this situation?

Today's small class invited Zhu Yi, associate professor of the School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, to "search for the roots" of this little white bug.

  Q1. What kind of bugs are in bayberry?

  [Concurrent] Zhu Yi, Associate Professor, School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University

  We haven’t eaten bayberry yet, and we feel fragrant when we talk about it. Fruit flies will also feel it. During the growth of bayberry, fruit flies will lay their eggs in the pulp of bayberry. When the temperature is suitable, these Drosophila eggs hatch into tiny white worms.

  When we eat bayberry, the temperature is relatively high, and fruit flies are in an active period, and the phenomenon of eating the bugs in bayberry becomes very frequent.

  Q2. Are insects harmful to the human body?

  [Concurrent] Zhu Yi, Associate Professor, School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University

  The fruit fly has always grown in the fruit, it is a "fruit baby", one is to eat fruit to grow up, the net worth is very clean, and it is the fruit that it eats.

  So it is a "good" bug with high nutrition and high protein. After you eat it, it runs into your stomach, and it is impossible to reproduce and grow, because your stomach acid, even if your teeth do not eliminate it, your stomach acid will also Destroy it, so we think that it will eat into your stomach, set up camps to reproduce and grow, this is what we think too much.

  Q3. How to clean?

  [Concurrent] Zhu Yi, Associate Professor, School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University

  We can teach you a trick, that is, take a little salt, then a little flour, then add a little water, put the bayberry in it and shake it for about two or three minutes, five minutes, if you are afraid the bugs haven't come out yet , just a little longer.

After cleaning it, the bugs that are about to come out at this time also come out.

  Because flour has a certain adsorption effect, it will also clean up the possible dust on the surface of bayberry, so it is enough to eat like this.

  Q4. What are the benefits of eating bayberry?

  [Concurrent] Zhu Yi, Associate Professor, School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University

  Although the "mei" in the idiom of "Wangmei quenching thirst" is not necessarily the bayberry we are talking about now, as long as we talk about bayberry, we feel appetizers, invigorating the body, digesting food and relieving heat, and the salivary glands begin to secrete.

  The effects of Yangmei to quench thirst, aid digestion, increase appetite, and invigorate the spleen and appetizers are very obvious.

It's summer, and you can take a few pills to refresh your breath, relieve heat and relieve tiredness. If you encounter diarrhea, take this bayberry and drink it in thick soup, and it will have a certain effect of antidiarrheal and astringent.

Modern medicine has found that bayberry is rich in vitamin C, various organic acids, sugar, and minerals such as dietary fiber, calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

Therefore, this bayberry is not only delicious, but also has a certain inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli and Shigella, and also has certain auxiliary functions for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

  Q5. Who should not eat more?

  [Concurrent] Zhu Yi, Associate Professor, School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University

  No matter who you are, you should not eat a single fruit at one time. Eat a lot. For example, if you are diabetic, you should eat it cautiously and in moderation. If you have stomach problems, you should eat less. These patients with cholecystitis and gallstones, try not to eat it.

  In the end, it may be to remind friends that some folks have a saying that after eating the core of bayberry, it can clear the intestines and detoxify.

At this time, it may cause intestinal obstruction. You eat too much, so you must remind everyone.

Bayberry is delicious, but don’t eat bayberry core. First, it will not be digested and absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Second, if you eat too much, it may cause intestinal obstruction.

  Reporter Jean Baokui

Responsible editor: [Ji Xiang]