All dictators hate culture when they cannot reduce it to propaganda, because culture is the expression of freedom.

And in Latin America that expression is articulated mainly in Spanish.

Daniel Ortega, who has ended up turning Nicaragua into an atrocious dictatorship, has decided to dissolve the Nicaraguan Academy of Language -

which is twinned with the Royal Spanish Academy - after 94 years of existence with the alibi of not having registered as a "foreign agent" .

The tyrant

Sandinista who now imprisons Sandinistas thus manages to take his indigenous strategy to the most ridiculous self-hatred, canceling a century-old institution that watched over the care of the language in which Rubén Darío wrote the work that changed the course of Spanish poetry.

In an interview granted to this newspaper, Gioconda Belli - exiled like Sergio Ramírez, Cervantes Prize winner - laments the guilty blindness of the Spanish left, specifically of the IU, incapable of condemning the fiercely repressive drift of Latin American populism, which

induces in the people the alienation of their own culture to replace it with a false ancestral identity

confronted with the common substratum of the Spanish language.

Against such barbarism, the defense of Hispanic heritage should be a task shared by all Spanish authorities, especially in the context of the Summit of the Americas.

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